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ʿAlī I and settle their long-harboured hatred under the pretext of

seeking revenge for the murder of ʿUthmān I.

So for example, Professor Hishām Jaʿayṭ is of the view that the Umayyads

did not love ʿAlī because he killed a number of the seniors of the Quraysh

with his hands, amongst them was the brother of Muʿāwiyah and his

grandfather. They would thus exude hatred for him. 1

But this view is incorrect. After the advent of Islam the tendencies of

revenge were abolished and thus there remained no room for them in the

Muslim life. Reality is the greatest attestation to this, for none of these

people are known to have intended harming ʿAlī I in any way. Even

the aversion that some of the Quraysh displayed, of which ʿAbbās I

complained to Nabī H, was directed at the Banū Hāshim in general,

not ʿAlī I specifically.

In fact, the diametrically opposite happened:

أكثر بني عبد مناف من بني أمية وبني هاشم وغيرهم لهم ميل قوي إلى علي بن أبي طالب يختارون وليته

Most of the decedents of ʿAbd Manāf from the Banū Umayyah and the Banū

Hāshim, amongst others, were very strongly inclined to ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib

and gave preference to his leadership. 2

Thus, Abū Sufyān Ṣakhr ibn Ḥarb, who was the head of the Banū Umayyah

at that time, was amongst those who desired that a descendent of ʿAbd

Manāf assume leadership, whether he be a Hāshimī or an Umawī, and

despised the leadership of a Taymī due to the tribal fanaticism which was

entrenched in them. 3 He thus said to ʿAlī I:

1 Kitāb al-Fitnah p. 181.

2 Minhāj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah 7/49.

3 Al-Fiṣal fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwāʾ wa al-Niḥal 4/82; Minhāj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah 1/519, 2/54, 4/360.


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