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ليس الناصب من نصب لنا أهل البيت.‏ لنك ل تجد أحدا يقول:‏ أنا أبغض محمدا وآل محمد ولكن

الناصب من نصب لكم،‏ وهو يعلم أنكم تتولوننا أو تتبرأون من أعدائنا.‏

A Nāṣib is not a person who hates us the Ahl al-Bayt because you will

not find a person who says, “I hate Muḥammad and the household of

Muḥammad.” But a Nāṣib is the one who opposes you whilst he knows that

you associate with us and disassociate from our enemies. 1

Yūsuf al-Baḥrānī says:

المستفاد من هذه الخبار أن مظهر النصب المترتب عليه الحكام والدليل عليه إما تقديم الجبت والطاغوت

أو بغض الشيعة من حيث التشيع.‏ فكل من اتصف بذلك فهو ناصب تجري عليه أحكام النصب

What is understood from these narrations is that the display of Naṣb

which has a bearing upon rulings and which is suggestive thereof, is either

giving preference to the Jibt and Ṭāghūt or hating the Shīʿah due to their

partisanship. Hence any person who is of this nature is a Nāṣib to who the

rulings of Naṣb will apply. 2

To summarise, after analysing the various usages and the definitions of Naṣb

presented by this cult, irrespective of their divergent stances, one finds that the

word Nāṣib holds various meanings according to them, which are as follows:

1. A Khārijī who impugns ʿAlī I.


A person who attributes to any of the Imāms of the Ahl al-Bayt that which

compromises their integrity.

3. A person who upon hearing a merit of ʿAlī I or any of the infallible

Imāms denies it.

4. A person who believes in others besides ʿAlī I being better than him.

1 Al-Ṣadūq: Maʿānī al-Akhbār p. 365; al-Ḥurr al-ʿĀmilī: Wasāʾil al-Shīʿah 24/274; al-Nirāqī: Mustanad al-

Shīʿah 1/206; Burūjardī: Jāmiʿ Aḥādīth al-Shīʿah 8/507.

2 Al-Ḥadāʾiq al-Nāḍirah 5/186.


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