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Verse 2:

لَ‏ يَسْ‏ تَوِيْ‏ مِنْكُ‏ مْ‏ ماَّ‏ نْ‏ أَنْفَ‏ قَ‏ مِنْ‏ قَبْلِ‏ الْفَ‏ تْحِ‏ وَ‏ قَاتَلَ‏ أُولٰئِكَ‏ أَعْ‏ ظَ‏ مُ‏ دَ‏ رَ‏ جَ‏ ةاً‏ مِّ‏ نَ‏ الاَّذِ‏ يْنَ‏ أَنْفَ‏ قُ‏ وْ‏ ا مِنْ‏ ۢ بَعْدُ‏

وَ‏ قَاتَلُوْ‏ ا وَ‏ كُ‏ الاًّ‏ واَّ‏ عَ‏ دَ‏ اللّٰهُ‏ الْحُ‏ سْ‏ نٰى وَ‏ اللّٰهُ‏ بِمَ‏ ا تَعْ‏ مَ‏ لُوْ‏ نَ‏ خَ‏ بِيْرٌ‏

Not equal among you are those who spent before the conquest [of Makkah] and

fought [and those who did so after it]. Those are greater in degree than they who

spent afterwards and fought. But to all Allah has promised the best [reward]. And

Allah, with what you do, is acquainted. 1

This verse suggests that whoever enjoyed the Sharʿī companionship of Nabī

H is from the people of Jannah, for al-Ḥusnā is Jannah which Allah E

has promised to all of them. 2

Verse 3:

لٰكِ‏ نِ‏ الراَّ‏ سُ‏ ولُ‏ وَ‏ الاَّذِ‏ ينَ‏ ٰ أ مَ‏ نُوْ‏ ا مَ‏ عَ‏ ه‏ جَ‏ اهَ‏ دُ‏ وْ‏ ا بِأَمْ‏ وَ‏ الِهِمْ‏ وَ‏ أَنْفُ‏ سِ‏ هِمْ‏ وَ‏ أُولٰئِكَ‏ لَهُ‏ مُ‏ الْخَ‏ يْرَ‏ اتُ‏ وَ‏ أُولٰئِكَ‏ هُ‏ مُ‏

الْمُ‏ فْ‏ لِحُ‏ وْ‏ نَ‏ أَعَ‏ داَّ‏ اللّٰهُ‏ لَهُ‏ مْ‏ جَ‏ ناَّاتٍ‏ تَجْ‏ رِيْ‏ مِنْ‏ تَحْ‏ تِهَ‏ ا الْ‏ ‏َنْهَ‏ ارُ‏ خَ‏ الِدِ‏ يْنَ‏ فِيْهَ‏ ا ذٰ‏ لِكَ‏ الْفَ‏ وْ‏ زُ‏ الْعَ‏ ظِ‏ يْمُ‏

But the Messenger and those who believed with him fought with their wealth and

their lives. Those will have [all that is] good, and it is those who are the successful.

Allah has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will

abide eternally. That is the great attainment. 3

This verse is an attestation of their probity and a glad tiding. Allah E has

pronounced their honour by describing them as people of true faith and great

sacrifice, and has thereafter promised them a great victory.

Can there be any pronouncement of integrity higher than this pronouncement?

And can there be any virtue greater than this virtue?

1 Sūrah al-Ḥadīd: 10.

2 Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī 27/221; Ibn ʿAṭiyyah: al-Muḥarrar al-Wajīz 5/260; al-Faṣl fī al-Milal wa al-Ahwāʾ wa al-

Niḥal 4/117.

3 Sūrah Tawbah: 88, 89.


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