(Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture) Rolf J

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of Paris”), “Fourier,” “die Photographie” (“Photography”), or “die Börse

Wirtschaftsgeschichte” (“The Stock Exchange Economic History”). These

serve as headings, under which an abundance of material is inventoried.

Of these Convolute K, entitled “Traumstadt und Traumhaus, Zukunftsträume,

anthropolog(ischer) Nihilism(us), Jung” (“Dream City and

Dream House, Dreams of the Future, Anthropological Nihilism, Jung”),

and Convolute N, with the rubric “Erkenntnistheoretisches, Theorie des

Fortschritts” (“On the Theory of Knowledge, Theory of Progress”), have

been singled out by Benjamin scholars, since both provide insight into

Benjamin’s methodological considerations and epistemic strategies. In

addition to the folders there are two exposés, one in German, dated 1935,

and another, in French, that was penned as a grant proposal for Theodor

W. Adorno’s and Max Horkheimer’s Institute for Social Research in

1939. The material in the six sections of the exposés has been arranged

along dual premises, that is, by linking historical personages with architectural

or topographical topoi: “Fourier oder die Passagen” (Fourier, or

the Arcades), “Daguerre oder die Panoramen” (Daguerre, or the Panoramas),

“Grandville oder die Weltausstellungen” (Grandville, or the World

Exhibitions), “Louis Philippe oder das Interieur” (Louis Philippe, or the

Interior), “Baudelaire oder die Straßen von Paris” (“Baudelaire, or the

Streets of Paris”), and “Hausmann oder die Barrikaden” (Haussmann,

or the Barricades). Although beneficial for assessing the scale of the final

work, they can only be compared to “girders” or scaffolding, since the

range of details encompassed in the individual convolutes exceeds the

factors spelled out in the exposés. It has been surmised that the wealth

of material collated includes fundamental perspectives that Benjamin

might well have incorporated into the final monograph. Among these are

a reconsideration of the ideological significance that Karl Marx had for

nineteenth-century capitalist paradigms; a reassessment of Victor Hugo’s

importance for the history of French architecture; and possibly observations

about the effects lights and artificial illumination have on the optical

aesthetics of municipal spaces as theaters of modernity. 2

The entries in the first convolute, “Arcades, Magasins de Nouveautés,

Sales Clerks,” ponder the deeper meaning of the architectural marvels

that enjoyed their heyday in the period between 1822 and 1840. Seeing

them as allegories or monads of cultural memory, Benjamin imbues the

arcades with temporal significance, calling them the “locus classicus für

die Darstellung der Passagen, denn aus ihr entspinnen sich nicht allein die

divagations über den Flaneur und das Wetter, sondern auch was über die

Bauweise der Passagen in wirtschaftlicher und architektonischer Hinsicht

zu sagen ist, könnte hier seine Stelle finden” (“locus classicus for the presentation

of the arcades; for not only do the divagations on the flâneur

and the weather develop out of it, but also what there is to be said about

the construction of the passages, in an economical and architectural vein,

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