(Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture) Rolf J

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whose pedagogical method is “a mere means to compel conversation”

(“ein bloßes Mittel zur Erzwingung der Rede”) between himself and his

homosexual initiates into conceiving what is foreknown. For Socrates,

“geht der Wissende mit dem Wissen schwanger” (“the knower is pregnant

with knowledge”). Thus “die sokratische Frage ist nicht zart und so

sehr schöpferisch als empfangend, nicht geniushaft. Sie ist . . . eine Erektion

des Wissens” (“the Socratic question is neither tender nor so much

creative as it is conceptive; it is not genius-like. . . . It is an erection of

knowledge”). Socratic love embodies the “furchtbar[e] Herrschaft sexueller

Anschauungen im Geistigen” (“terrible domination of sexual views

in the spiritual”). Moreover, “Same und Frucht, Zeugung und Geburt

nennt seine sympotische Rede in dämonischer Ununterschiedenheit”

(“Socrates’ talk in the Symposium refers to seed and fruit, procreation

and birth, in daemonic indistinguishability”). In contrast, genius is “der

Zeuge jeder wirklich geistigen Schöpfung” (“the witness to every truly

spiritual creation”) which is “geschlechtslos und doch von überweltlichem

Geschlechte” (“asexual and yet of supramundane sexuality”). If “Sokrates

preist . . . die Liebe zwischen Männern und Jünglingen und rühmt sie

als das Medium des schöpferischen Geistes” (“Socrates praises the love

between men and youths and lauds it as the medium of the creative spirit”),

genius lives through the existence of the feminine, which “verbürgt die

Geschlechtslosigkeit des Geistigen in der Welt” (“guarantees the asexuality

of the spiritual in the world”), for, “wie für das Weib unbefleckte Empfängnis

die überschwengliche Idee von Reinheit ist, so ist Empfängnis ohne

Schwangerschaft am tiefsten das Geisteszeichen des männlichen Genius”

(“just as immaculate conception is, for the woman, the rapturous notion

of purity, so conception without pregnancy is most profoundly the spiritual

mark of the male genius” (GS II.1:130–31; SW 1:52–54).

“Male genius” is impotent before the feminine (or the Beloved),

who personifies the mystery of the unity of the erotic and the sexual.

Socratic love penetrates metaphysical mysteries with a demon desire

that forces its dialogue with his philosophical male initiates to conceive

uncreatively or to reproduce knowledge foreknown; whereas Platonic

love inspires genius to pose (to the feminine/beloved — the Other

of/with whom knowledge is sought) “die heilige Frage, die auf Antwort

wartet und deren Resonanz erneut in der Antwort wieder auflebt”

(GS II.1:131; “the holy question which awaits an answer and whose

echo sounds in the response,” SW 1:53). Genius engages conversation

without anticipating or arriving at conception (the foreclosure of

knowledge), yet creatively re-conceives the question that is born in the

answer. Genius engages language in creative conversation in the spirit of

pure love, with no preconceptions or foreknowledge in mind. To put it

another way, the genius of Platonic love is fruitfully impotent, just as the

communion of Sapphic love is inconceivably sexual.

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