(Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture) Rolf J

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would be the colonies. The deputy Jacques Arago, brother of the great

physicist, argued in favor of Patagonia. The benefits resulting from this

operation, for the French state as well as for those deported, were exposed

in these arguments:

Ces femmes, dont les plus jeunes sont fort appétissantes après une

heure de natation . . . Ces antilopes, ces oiseaux, ces poissons, ces

eaux phosphorescentes, ce ciel tout leopardé de nuages courant çà

et là comme un troupeau de biches errantes . . . tout cela c’est la

Patagonie, tout cela c’est une terre vierge, riche, indépendante. . . .

[C]itoyens, . . . transportez en Patagonie les hommes que vos lois

ont frappés; puis vienne le jour de la lutte, et ceux-là meme que vous

avez exilés seront aux avant-postes, debout, implacables, barricades

solides et mouvantes.

[These women, of whom the youngest are so alluring after an hour’s

swim . . . These antelopes, these birds, these fish, these phosphorescent

waters, this sky alive with clouds coursing to and fro like a flock

of wandering hinds . . . all this is Patagonia, all this a virgin land rich

and independent. . . . Citizens, . . . transport to Patagonia the men

whom your laws have smitten. When the day of battle [against England]

arrives, those you have exiled will have become staunch mobile

barricades, standing implacable at the outposts. (a12,5)]

With this quotation, in which the text of the Passagen-Werk literally takes

us to South America, we conclude this constellation of fragments showing

the entangled history of the metropolis and the peripheral countries.

III. Madness — to Be Fought

with the “whetted axe of reason”?

The phenomenon of madness, a major ingredient of life in the modern

metropolis, is commented on by Benjamin in the first sketch of the Passagen-Werk

in these terms: 17

Gebiete urbar zu machen, auf denen bisher nur der Wahnsinn

wuchert. Vordringen mit der geschliffnen Axt der Vernunft und

ohne rechts noch links zu sehen, um nicht dem Grauen anheimzufallen,

das aus der Tiefe des Urwalds lockt. Aber aller Boden mußte

einmal von der Vernunft untergemischt, vom Gestrüpp des Wahns

und des Mythos gereinigt werden. Dies soll für den des 19 ten Jahrhunderts

hier geleistet werden.

[To cultivate fields where, until now, only madness has reigned.

Forge ahead with the whetted axe of reason, looking neither right

nor left so as not to succumb to the horror that beckons from deep

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