(Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture) Rolf J

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here: the idea that historical data and time are condensed and reclaimed

in the object; the idea that modern history is imagistic and not epic; the

idea that monads signify modern allegories for dialectical processes; the

idea that historical materialism precludes the notion of linear progress;

and finally the idea that historical materialism is structured logically and

within easy reach of language, the most precise and supple instrument

for cultural analysis. Placing objects in the vortex of cultural design and

dialectics may not have been entirely new, since dialectical materialism

is fundamental to the economic theories advocated in Friedrich Engel’s

and Karl Marx’s philosophy of social progress. Nevertheless, Benjamin’s

emphasis on “reading” the object as a medium of transformation exploits

commodity fetishism, which he did not locate in the articles of production,

as Marx did, but in the items for consumption, such as those on display

in the arcades or in bourgeois living rooms. When we hone in on the

imprint that commodities make on the collective psyche, it becomes evident

that they are meaningful as dialectical images or symbols of cultural

equivalence, especially when they form the basic components for semiotic

codes. They hark back to a “paradisiacal pre-history,” even while heralding

“utopian expectations” of a liberated society. 6 Phantasmagorical in

nature, objects interrupt the continuum of time to suggest images in the

collective consciousness in which the old and the new interpenetrate. In

fact, the discerning eye identifies material objects, ciphers, and even events

as clusters of closely related elements. That is also why the dialectics of

time and place allude to palimpsests, in which the literal and figurative

essence of commodities embraces several layers of historical experience.

Linked to the reciprocity of time and place, these phantasmagorias are

indexed with regard to the “presence of the now.” Compressed into the

passage work of cultural imagery at the point of their concurrence, they

come to a momentary standstill, and it is here that they are decipherable

for the fraction of an instant.

Nicht so ist es, daß das Vergangene sein Licht auf das Gegenwärtige

oder das Gegenwärtige sein Licht auf das Vergangene wirft, sondern

Bild ist dasjenige, worin das Gewesene mit dem Jetzt blitzhaft zu

einer Konstellation zusammentritt. Mit anderen Worten: Bild ist die

Dialektik im Stillstand.

[It is not that what is past casts its light on what is present, or what

is present its light on what is past; rather, image is that wherein what

has been comes together in a flash with the now to form a constellation.

In other words: image is dialectics at a standstill. (N3,1)]

The fissure dividing the temporal modes impacts the meanings derived

from “reading” the entities embedded in each constellation. The past

surfaces as discrete or shattered flashes of wakefulness no longer bound

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