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Bunker Hill Community College - bhcc-costarica.info

Bunker Hill Community College - bhcc-costarica.info


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editing digital video productions for a variety of purposes and audiences. The course<br />

provides a special emphasis on understanding and using visual storytelling techniques to<br />

relate <strong>info</strong>rmation and emotion. Recommended prerequisite: Digital Imaging with Photoshop<br />

(VMA105). Prerequisites: Writing Skills II (ENG095) and Foundations of Mathematics<br />

(MAT093).<br />

VMA-151 Intro to Audio Technology 3 Credits<br />

This course will provide the student with the basic knowledge and skills required for audio<br />

production. Through lectures and hands-on lab work, students will learn the technical and<br />

aesthetic aspects of microphones, tape decks, and mixing consoles. Both digital and analog<br />

production media will be covered, with greater emphasis on the digital realm. In addition to<br />

technical abilities, students will also examine the nature of the acoustic environment, and will<br />

be introduced to digital audio editing software. Prerequisites: Writing Skills II (ENG095) and<br />

Foundations of Mathematics (MAT093).<br />

VMA-161 Intro to Digital Photography 3 Credits<br />

Digital photography has made it technically possible to generate countless photographs<br />

at virtually no cost, yet the formal problems of picture-making remain. How is it possible<br />

to create photographs with power and signi�cance” This course explores basic technical<br />

issues of the digital photography work�ow joined with a formal exploration of seeing<br />

photographically, using both shooting assignments and lab exercises. Examples from the<br />

photographic tradition will be examined. Adobe Photoshop is used to adjust and manipulate<br />

images for printing. Inkjet printers are used to create photographic quality output. Students<br />

must have a digital camera and basic computer literacy. This course ful�lls General Education<br />

Humanities Requirement Area 6. Prerequisites: Writing Skills II (ENG095) and Foundations of<br />

Mathematics (MAT093).<br />

VMA-204 Drawing II 3 Credits<br />

A studio course designed to examine basic vocabulary and drawing skills and concepts in the<br />

study of the human form. Using a wide range of drawing media, students work primarily from<br />

anatomical drawings and observation of the nude model to gain pro�ciency with gesture<br />

strategies, contour drawing, sighting and measuring, light in relation to planar relationships,<br />

and tonal structure of composition. Students develop an understanding of abstraction in<br />

relation to �gure/ground, scale, positive & negative space, proportion, volume in relationship<br />

to light, compositional issues and pictorial unity. There is an emphasis on writing and<br />

communication skills for mastery of basic vocabulary, and process of evaluation and critique.<br />

Prerequisite: Drawing I (VMA104).<br />

VMA-222 Painting II 3 Credits<br />

This course emphasizes developing students’ personal sense of aesthetics and increasing<br />

their awareness of the painting process. Students choose to work in either acrylic or oil paint<br />

while exploring color theory, composition, value, and paint application. Class time includes<br />

one-on-one instruction and group critiques. Prerequisite: Painting I (VMA122) or permission<br />

of instructor.<br />

VMA-223 Water Color II 3 Credits<br />

Focusing on developing one’s personal sense of aesthetics and style, this course explores<br />

various techniques used in watercolor. The course places emphasis on creating cohesive,<br />

well-composed paintings, while it develops an understanding of the elusive properties of<br />

spontaneity and transparency as they relate to the medium of watercolor paint. Prerequisite:<br />

Watercolor I (VMA123) or permission of instructor.<br />

VMA-224 Printmaking II 3 Credits<br />

A continuation of Printmaking I (VMA124), this course further develops the techniques<br />

of drypoint, engraving, woodcut, and monotype while focusing on thematic development<br />

Visual & Media Arts<br />

and content. The course explores the more complex methods of color printing. It<br />

encourages experimentation in a self-motivated workshop environment. Class time<br />

includes one-on-one instruction and group critiques. Prerequisite: Printmaking I (VMA124)<br />

or permission of instructor.<br />

VMA-231 Digital Illustration with Illustrator 3 Credits<br />

This course explores the use of the computer as a design tool. Instruction emphasizes the<br />

mastery of fundamental computer functions and software operations. It prepares graphic<br />

design students in computer software and technology used in graphic design. Students<br />

explore the creative potential, solve design and layout problems, and exhibit an understanding<br />

of the professional requirements of document preparation and production. The course<br />

uses Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator software. Prerequisite: Digital Publishing with<br />

InDesign (VMA131).<br />

VMA-232 Design Communication I 3 Credits<br />

This course explores the use of the computer as a design tool. Instruction emphasizes the<br />

mastery of fundamental computer functions and software operations. It prepares graphic<br />

design students in computer software and technology used in graphic design. Students<br />

explore the creative potential, solve design and layout problems, and exhibit an understanding<br />

of the professional requirements of document preparation and production. The course<br />

uses Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator software. Prerequisite: Digital Publishing with<br />

InDesign (VMA131).<br />

VMA-233 Design Communication II 3 Credits<br />

This course covers a continuation of the examination and interpretation of the elements and<br />

principles of design as applied to the practice of graphic design and visual communication<br />

from visualization to production techniques. Students use the computer to create portfolio<br />

pieces for use in their future job search or in applications to four-year institutions. The course<br />

uses Microsoft Word, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop software.<br />

Prerequisite: Design Communication I (VMA232).<br />

VMA-234 Publication Design 3 Credits<br />

This advanced course for graphic arts students covers the design, layout, and format of books.<br />

Students design a book with images that is the culmination of all they have learned. This<br />

book is included in their portfolio. The course is required of all graphic arts students and is<br />

offered spring semester only. Prerequisite: Design Communication I (VMA232) or approval<br />

of department chair.<br />

VMA-241 Advanced Video Production 3 Credits<br />

This course focuses on development of the skills and concepts necessary for digital video<br />

production. Students learn the advanced use of the HDV digital camcorder microphones, the<br />

�eld audio mixer and lighting techniques. The course uses images and materials acquired in<br />

the course in its co-requisite class, Video Post Production (VMA242), in order to complete<br />

a �nal project counting for both courses. Topics covered include �ction and non-�ction<br />

production techniques, including research, script development and interviewing. Discussion<br />

of theoretical issues in applied media aesthetics will be an integral and essential part of<br />

the class. Prerequisite: Elements of Video Production (VMA141) or permission of instructor.<br />

Co-requisite: Video Post Production (VMA242).<br />

VMA-242 Video Post-Production 3 Credits<br />

This course delivers an intensive workshop in digital nonlinear post-production software,<br />

theory and techniques. Students work in-depth with Final Cut Pro and will also explore<br />

other aspects of the Final Cut Studio package, including Live Type, Soundworks Pro, and<br />

Motion. The course also provides a solid foundation in the theory and aesthetics of �lm and<br />

video editing by examining the history and development of the editing process. The course<br />

2012 - 2013 <strong>College</strong> Catalog 215

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