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C. c:'t assavoir, selan vertu en amisté de manage,<br />

laquelle comprent tautes les causes et especes de aitiisté,<br />

Si coinme it appert par le .xvii. chapitre de le.viii.<br />

d'Etltiqucs. Car elle a en soi bien utile et bien delectable<br />

et bien de vertu et double delectation; cc est assavoir,<br />

charnele et vertueuse ou sensitive et intellective. Item,<br />

ceste amisté est singuliere, car dIe est entre un seul et tine<br />

settle, Si coninie (lit est. Et appert par les raisons qui<br />

furent touchies ou .xvii.° chapitre de le.viii. d'Ethiques.<br />

Et se aucuns out cues pluseurs feinnies, cc estoit paur oportunité<br />

de multiplication de lignie ou par dispensation divine<br />

on hors droit convenable a nature humaine. Item, ceste<br />

atitisté est pernianente et estahie et sans departe- // (332a)<br />

nient, si coinme it appert par le. xxxvi, chapitre du Mi."<br />

de I'olitiques. Et est jauxte cc que dit l'Escripture Quos<br />

Dens conjUnxit, lioiiio ' non separet. Item, dIe est tres<br />

grande, Si conime denote l'Escripture on livre des Rays, en<br />

disant qe Jonathas cstoit plus amiable que femnie Amabilis<br />

super amorem niulierum. Et Ic Sage (lit ainsi : Species<br />

mulienis exhilarat faciem viri sui. lt super omnem<br />

cuncupiscenciam Iioniinis superducet desidenium ( Ecclesiastici<br />

,xxxvi.°) Item, (IC lamour prece(lente dunt est<br />

parlé devant (lit que Jacob servi .vii. ans pour l'aiiiour de<br />

Rachel et mi sembloit Ic temps brief pour laniour qui estoit<br />

grande. lit scIon l'Lscripture, pour CC lessera un<br />

honime pere et mere et se aherdra a sa feninie. Car<br />

l'Apostle comniande que chescun aime sa femme comnie soy<br />

meisnie. Item, encor appert parcc que nature mist delectation<br />

de couple charnel es bestes tant settlement pour cause<br />

et a6n (le generation ; nies cile mist es gcns tele delectation<br />

pour la cause desus dicte et pour acrestre et continuer et<br />

garder aniisté entre honinie et femme. Et de cc est signe<br />

cc quc dit Plinius : (tue nulle femelle depuis que elle a conceu<br />

et est prenante tie appete tel couple charnel fors tant<br />

senlement fennite. Item, la plus grande unite est cause de<br />

plus grande amisté. lit pour cc fit ou quart chapitre<br />

du secunt de Politiqucs que .ii. ainis desirent estre UflC<br />

chose. Or peut Yen dire que le niari et la feninie sunt plus<br />

pres de utiitC clue niasle et fenielle en autre espece pource<br />

que Ia premiere feninie fu forniee de la caste de son man<br />

et lie fit ainsi de autres bestes. Et pour cc (lit l'Escripture<br />

que les manes sunt .ii. en unc char. Or avons<br />

donques comment ceste communication est amiable. Apres<br />

it met comment dIe est profictable.<br />

T. Item, Ia nature des fllz ne est pas / (332b) seulement<br />

pour cc l'anunistrenicnt de nature.<br />

G. Si comme es bestes asquelles nature iiiinistre lignie<br />

seulement pour continuation des especes.<br />

T. Mes ovecques cc, cile est pour cause de unite ou<br />

de profit. Car cc que les parens qtiant ii estoient puissans<br />

ont fait on firent a leur enfans quant ii estoient<br />

impotens, ii reportent dc cc et reçoivent de rechief le<br />

profit en leur vicliece qitant it sunt I aiz impotens.<br />

C. Car si comme it peut apparoir par Ic .xxiiii.° chapitre<br />

(lU .vii. d'Etliiques, Ics enfans communelnient ant mestier<br />

de leur parens tant pour nournissement comme pour doetrine<br />

siques an temps ou pres que les parens ant mestier de<br />

laide de leur enfans pour cause de fieblece Ct de impotence.<br />

lit ces aides oil des parens as enfans et des enifans as<br />

parens ne pevent bonnement estre fais se les parens ne sunt<br />

ensemble par manage ou out esté. Et donques ceste corn-<br />

C. That is, virtuously as in married friendship, which<br />

includes all the causes and kinds of friendship as stated in<br />

Ethics VIII, 17. For this friendship comprises at once the<br />

goad of usefulness, the good of pleasure, and the good of<br />

virtue and double enjoyment—that is, both the carnal and<br />

the virtuous or the sensual and the intellectual pleasures.<br />

This friendship exists between two individuals only; for it<br />

concerns but one man and one woman as we have said and<br />

this is clear from the reasons indicated in Ethics VIII, 17.<br />

And if sonic men have had several wives, this was to provide<br />

an increase in progeny or by divine dispensation or<br />

against the natural law applicable to human beings. This<br />

friendship is, moreover, permanent and stable and is not to<br />

he broken. // (332a) as pointed out in Politics VII, 14<br />

11335b 39 if.]. It accords with the injunction of Scripture;<br />

"\\lioni God hath joined together let no man put<br />

asunder" [Matt. 19: 6 1. Such a friendship is extremely<br />

great, as the Scripture notes in the Book of Kings, where<br />

it says that Jonathan was more lovable than women<br />

Thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of<br />

woitien'' III Sam. 1: 261. And Solomon states it thus:<br />

The beauty of woman brightens the countenance of tier<br />

husband and excels every delight of the eye." Ecciesiasticus<br />

XX XVI [24]. It is said of this love of which we are<br />

now speaking that Jacob served seven years for the love of<br />

Rachel and the time seemed short because of the greatness<br />

of his love [Gen. 29: 181. And the Scripture states that<br />

a man willleave his father and mother for this hove of<br />

woman and will cleave to his wife [Gen. 2: 26]. And the<br />

Apostle Paul commands that each man love his wife as<br />

himself lEph. 5: 28]. This is also clear from the fact that<br />

nature granted carnal pleasures to the animals only for the<br />

purpose of reproduction: but it accorded the human species<br />

this pleasure not only for reproduction of its kind but also<br />

to enhance and maintain friendship between man and<br />

womitati. This is implied iii Pliny's statement that no female,<br />

after she has become pregnant, seeks sexual union,<br />

except woman only [Nat. hist. VII, 5]. And this greater<br />

unity is a cause of greater friendship. This explains the<br />

statement in Politics II, 1 112621) 12 if.], that two friends<br />

desire to become a single being. Thus we may say that<br />

husband and wife are more nearly a unit than the male and<br />

female of other species because the first woman was fortiied<br />

front rib of lien husband and this was not the case with<br />

the other animals. For this reason, Scripture says that a<br />

married couple is two persons in a single skill 2: 24].<br />

Thus we may now perceive how this life of husband and<br />

wife together is based uputi friendship. Next lie points<br />

out in what respect it is profitable.<br />

T. But it is not natural that children should exist<br />

(332b) merely to pay man's debt to nature.<br />

C. As is the case with :iniiti:tIs, to which nature affords<br />

progeny only for the maintenance of the species.<br />

T. But in addition, children exist for the sake of<br />

unity or profit. For what the parents, while they had<br />

their strength, have clone for their offspring while the<br />

latter were unable to help themselves, this they are repaid<br />

and profit by in their old age, when they have be-<br />

conic old and feeble.<br />

C. Because, as max' he seen in Politics VII, 14 [1335a<br />

2] , children usually need their parents for both sustenance<br />

and instruction up to the time approximately when the<br />

parents need the children's help because of weakness and<br />

infirmity. And this assistance or profit given by parents<br />

to their offspring and by these latter to their parents cannot<br />

be accomplished unless the parents are living in wedlock<br />

or have been so living. Thus this manner of living

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