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perturbe les sens et mesme de gens raisoimables et encor<br />

plus de geiis serfs, gut ont peu de raison et gui boivent<br />

oultre mesure cluant on leur donne. Et par ce sunt faiz<br />

pereceus et endorinis, on inobediens on injurieus.<br />

T. 11 est chose manifeste que de cc doit l'en dormer<br />

a ses servans 1 ou nient on peu.<br />

G. Ce est assavoir, tie yin et de tout nourrissement delicatif.<br />

Car qui leur acoustunie en jennece, len les trouve<br />

apres contumaux et rcbclles, si comnie dit le Sage: Qui<br />

delicate a puericia nutrit servuni suurn, postea senciet eum<br />

contumacem.<br />

T. Item, .iii. clioses sunt: besongne, peine ou correction<br />

et vivre.<br />

G. Ces .iii. choses doivent estre distribuees as sers et<br />

leur appartieiineiit. Et ce est selon l'Escripture alleguec:<br />

Panis et disciplina et opus servo.<br />

T. Et autre chose, ce est assavoir, // (335a) non<br />

pugnir Ic serf et qu'il ne besongne et qu'il ait son vivre,<br />

cc est cc qui le fait injurieus.<br />

G. Quant il sunt nourris en oisiveté. Car gui ne labourc<br />

ne doit pas mengier, Si comme dit l'Apostle. Et a cest propos<br />

Aristote, ou .xxxii. chapitre du .vii. dEfhiqucs, allegue<br />

un proverbe ancien: Non est servis vacacio. Les<br />

serfs ne doivent pas estre longuenient oyseus. Et est selon<br />

l'Escripture qui dit: Mitte servum in operacione, ne vacet;<br />

multam enim maliciam docuit ociositas. Oisivetd les fait<br />

nialves.<br />

T. Et une atitre chose est: cc est assavoir, faire les<br />

cevres et avoir peines ou punitions et non avoir son<br />

vivre, ce est chose violente et qui fait et cause debilité ou<br />

flebece. lit donqucs reste que I'en doit donncr as serfs<br />

cevres a faire et vivre souffisant.<br />

G. lit ce declare it apres par .ii. raisons.<br />

7'. Car ce est impossible de avoir domination sus son<br />

serf sans ltd donner louier. Et an serf, son louier est<br />

son vivre.<br />

G. Car Ic serf, conime dit est, est possession et instrument<br />

de son seigneur. Et lie pent avoir des biens de fortune<br />

rico qui soit sien en tant comme serf, lit donques<br />

autre louier tie lui est deu fors son vivre: Merces fructus<br />

ventris. lit est a entendre du serf operatif, gui est serf<br />

naturelnient.<br />

T. Item, aussi comme as autres gens, quant l'en ne<br />

fait bicn as bons et l'en ne fait retribution tie bonté et<br />

pugnition tie malice it sunt fait pires, en ceste maniere<br />

cst ii des serfs.<br />

G. lit encor plus, que les serfs tie ont pas tant de vertu<br />

on de raison qui les refreine quant l'en leur donne occasion<br />

tie mal fai- / (335b) re. lit ties autres, gui sunt trans de<br />

nature, encor sunt tres pen gui lie deviennent nialves ou<br />

nioins bons quant it voient que len ne est rcinuneré pour<br />

hien faire tie pugni pour mal faire, lit que pis est, que<br />

les bons sunt depriiiiés et les nialvés avancies: Ecce ipsi<br />

peccatores in seculo habundantcs obtinuerunt divicias, etc.<br />

Et pour cc disoit Ic Prophete que a pen quil n'avoit erré<br />

et soy departi de la bonne voie : Mci autem pene moti soot<br />

pedes, mci pene effusi sunt gressus mci. Et tie Saint<br />

Thomas tie Canthorbic disoit Un que it devoit bien estre<br />

be, car il osa bieii estre bon en malvés temps et sous dur<br />

prince: Debes laudare queni sub principe duro tempori-<br />

fuses the senses with its exhalations. Even reasonable<br />

people and still more the serfs, who have little reason and<br />

drink without restraint when it is given them, in this way<br />

become lazy and sleepy or disobedient and abusive.<br />

T. It is clear that one should give none of this to his<br />

servants or very little.<br />

G. That is, of wine or of any delicate food. For if they<br />

become accustomed to it in their youth, they are found to<br />

be contumacious and rebellious; as Solomon says: "He<br />

who brings up his servant delicately from a child shall<br />

afterward feel his insubordination" j, Prov. 29: 21].<br />

T. Three things are to be borne in mind: (1) work,<br />

(2) punishment or chastisement, and (3) food.<br />

G. These three things should be accorded to slaves and<br />

are suitable for them. This accords with the Scriptural<br />

admonition above: "Bread, discipline and work for the<br />

servant" [Ecclicus 33: 25].<br />

T. And moreover, // (335a) if the slave is given<br />

food but is not chastised or given work, this renders<br />

him abusive.<br />

G. When they are nourished in idleness. For he who<br />

does not work should not eat, as Paul says [II Thess. 3:<br />

10]. Oti this subject Aristotle quotes an ancient proverb:<br />

Non est servis vacacio. "Slaves must not be idle for long."<br />

Politics 'VII, 13 [1334a 20]. And this agrees with Scripture:<br />

"Put thy servant to work that lie be not idle; for idleness<br />

teaches much mischief" [Ecclicus 33: 28]. Idleness<br />

makes them bad.<br />

T. And another item is as follows: to work and<br />

suffer chastisement without food is oppressive and<br />

makes them weak and listless. There is no alternative<br />

therefore except to give the slaves tasks to perform and<br />

to feed them adequately.<br />

G. This he clarifies in two explanations.<br />

T. For it is impossible to control one's slave without<br />

rewarding him and for the slave, his reward is his<br />

food.<br />

C. Because as we have already stated, the slave is the<br />

property and instrument of his master and he can have no<br />

possession of his own in his status as slave. Thus no other<br />

pay is due him than his food: "His reward is the fruit of<br />

the womb" [I'saliii 126: 3]. And this applies to the laborer,<br />

who is a slave by nature.<br />

T. Just as with other people, when one does not<br />

treat the good individuals well and reward goodness<br />

anti punish malice they are made worse, just so it is<br />

with slaves.<br />

C. All the more so, since slaves do not possess sufficient<br />

virtue or reason to restrain them when the opportunity<br />

arises for evil doing. / (335b) And therefore, of those that<br />

are naturally upright, very few fail to succumb to evil<br />

when they see that they are not rewarded for good actions<br />

or punished for evil deeds. What is worst of all is the<br />

fact that the good are oppressed and imposed upon, while<br />

the evil are abetted and advanced: "Behold, these are the<br />

ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches"<br />

[Psalm 72: 12]. And thus the prophet David used to say<br />

that he had very nearly erred and departed from the right<br />

way: "As for me, lily feet were almost gone; my steps had<br />

well nigh slipped" [Psalm 72: 2]. And a certain person<br />

said of Saint Thomas of Canterbury that lie deserved to be

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