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T. Et afin que l'en quere et prepare les choses qui<br />

sunt dehors le hostel, cc est le niari; et que l'autre salve<br />

et garde ceiles qui sunt dedens. Et convient que l'un,<br />

ce est le man, soit puissant, fort et robuste a operation;<br />

et l'autre est fieble as negoces dehors. Et le homme est<br />

piere ou moms dispose a repos et melleur ou miex<br />

dispose a mouvemens ou a plus fors labours.<br />

G. Et donques le homme est plus chaut, plus fort et plus<br />

actif et Ia femme plus froide, plus fieble et plus passive.<br />

Et ceste contrarieté ou varieté les ont enclinés a diverses<br />

operations, lesquelles leur sunt pro fictables et convenables<br />

pour converser ensemble. Ft pour cc, quant ceste contrarieté<br />

// (333a) ou dissimilitude est naturelment et selon<br />

incurs bien proporcionee, elie est douce et delectable. Et<br />

scion cc disoit le Sage que homnie et femme qui sunt consentans<br />

on en concorde ensemble, cc est une chose pleiseinte<br />

a son esperit, approvee et bee de Dieu et des hommes. Et<br />

me semble que cc est aussi comme en musique: Ia dissimilitude<br />

et inequalité des Sons fait bon acort et bonne consonance,<br />

car elle est deuement proporcionee. Et par aventure,<br />

en signifiance de cc ordena nature que vois de homme<br />

ou resgart de vois de femme est communehnent en Ia proporcion<br />

qui fait la nielleur consonance, cc est double; et<br />

est appellee dyapason en musique. Item, a cest propos<br />

Ovide ou livre de Art de amer met comment la vigne est<br />

freile et fieble et ne se peut par soy soustenir ne faire fruit:<br />

mes quant elle est conjointe a l'arbre elle est soustenue et<br />

porte fruit. Et semblablement dit it de la femme on resgart<br />

de le honime. Et donques ceste conjunction est delectable<br />

et profictable et est tres conveniente. Et pour cc<br />

dit l'Escripture: Amicus et sodalis in tempore convenientes<br />

et super utrosque mulier cum viro. Apres it met difference<br />

et convenience entre les parens et les enfans.<br />

T. Et des filz la generation est propre et le utilité est<br />

commune.<br />

G. Car les parens funt la generation des enfans et les<br />

enfans ne engendrent pas leur parens. Et donques la generation<br />

est propre as parens et cc est la difference. IvIes<br />

les parens aident as enfans en lcur jennece et les enfans<br />

aident as parens en leur viellece. Et pour cc dit it que le<br />

utilité est commune et cc est la convenience.<br />

T. Car as uns appartient nourrir et / (333b) as<br />

autres enseignier.<br />

G. Une exposition est qu'il appartient as enfans nourir<br />

]cur parens et as parens enseignier leur enfans en joennece.<br />

Une autre exposition est que it appartient as uns ou as<br />

unes nourrir les enfans, cc est assavoir, as meres, et as<br />

autres enseignier les en bonnes meurs, cc est assavoir, as<br />

peres; jouxte cc que dit l'Escripture: Filii tibi sunt, erudi<br />

illos. Or avons donques comme communication de masle<br />

et de femelle est en espece humaine de ordenance divine,<br />

non pas seulernent pour cause de generation comme es<br />

autres bestes, mes oveques cc pour cause de mutuel aide.<br />

Et est scion cc que Dieu dist au commencement, que cc ne<br />

estoit pas bon que homme fust seul et que it feroit une<br />

chose semblable a lui, qui lui aideroit: Non est bonuni<br />

hominem esse solum; faciarnus ei adjutorium simile sibi.<br />

T. And in order that the husband may prepare and<br />

look after the outdoor work of the homestead while the<br />

wife attends to and watches over the indoor work. And<br />

the husband must be strong, capable and robust for<br />

physical work while the wife is less able to perform<br />

outdoor tasks. And the husband is less given to repose<br />

and is more disposed to action or to the heavier occupations.<br />

G. Thus the husband is more ardent, stronger, and more<br />

active; while the wife is less excitable, weaker, and more<br />

passive. And this opposition or difference of character has<br />

inclined them to different activities which are profitable and<br />

suitable for living together. And when this dissimilarity<br />

// (333a) exists naturally and is well balanced in the<br />

habits of both, it is pleasant and agreeable. And in this<br />

regard, Solomon said that a man and wife who think alike<br />

and live peaceably together are a pleasure to his [Solomon's]<br />

spirit, enjoying the praise and approbation of God<br />

and mankind [Ecclicus 25: 2]. And it seems to me that<br />

this is very similar to the case in music: the dissimilarity<br />

and inequality of the sounds creates a good harmony and<br />

a good combination of tones because they are properly proportioned.<br />

Perchance, it was as a token of this that nature<br />

has ordained that the male voice, with respect to the<br />

female voice, is commonly in that proportion which makes<br />

the best consonance—that is, in the double or octave proportion<br />

and in niusic this is called diapason. And on this<br />

subject Ovid in the Art of Love [Ars amatoria, H. 13]<br />

notes that the vine is frail and weak and cannot support<br />

itself or bear fruit by itself; but when it is joined to the<br />

tree, it is propped up and bears fruit. The same relation,<br />

he says, exists between husband and wife. Thus this union<br />

is pleasant and profitable and is eminently fitting. Wherefore<br />

the Scripture says: "A friend and companion will give<br />

help at the right time; but better than either is the wife<br />

with her husband" [Ecclicus 40: 23]. Next he discusses<br />

the differences and the similarities between parents and<br />

children.<br />

T. The production of children is the proper task of<br />

husband and wife and the benefits are common to both<br />

the parents and the offspring alike.<br />

G. For the parents procreate their offspring and the offspring<br />

do not give birth to the l)Lrents. Thus the propagation<br />

of children is the prerogative of the parents and<br />

this constitutes the difference. But the parents help their<br />

offspring in their youth and the offspring assist their parents<br />

in the latters' old age. And this explains why he<br />

states that the advantage is shared by both the children<br />

and the parents. And this constitutes the similarity.<br />

T. For it is the duty of one parent to nurture<br />

(333b) and of the other to educate.<br />

G. According to one commentator, it is the duty of the<br />

children to nurture their parents and the task of the parents<br />

to educate their children during their youth. Another<br />

commentator explains that the mothers should nurture<br />

the children while the father should inculcate in them<br />

good habits, in accordance with the Biblical injunction:<br />

"If you have sons, correct them" [Ecclicus 7: 25]. So we<br />

may summarize as follows: the life together of the male<br />

and female of the human species is established by divine<br />

ordinance not only for the purpose of procreation, as is<br />

the case with the other animals, but also for the purpose<br />

of mutual assistance. And this accords with Gods statement<br />

at the beginning of the world that it was not meet<br />

that man should exist alone and that He would create a<br />

being like unto him who should help him: 'it is not good

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