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G. Cc est a dire, contre sa volenté et cc monstre ii apres<br />

par .iii. raisons.<br />

7'. Car elle doit creincire mesmement les paroles des<br />

femmes dehors, qui stint a la corruption de l'ame.<br />

G. Se cue souffroit hommes estranges entrer et converser<br />

a l'ostel, ses voisines en parleroient en inal. Et peut<br />

estre que aussi entent it que femmes estranges ni entrent<br />

pas; car ii pourroieflt corrumpre les bonnes meurs de elle<br />

par leur malvés langage.<br />

T. Item, et afin que elle seule sache les choses qui<br />

aviennent dedens la Inaison.<br />

G. Car it convient que toutes les melleurs faicent ou<br />

seuffrent aucunes choses privees. Et tie appartient<br />

(339c) pas que estranges les voient.<br />

T. Item, se aucune chose senestre ou mal a point est<br />

faicte par ceulz qui entrent en la maisnil, le mari a cause<br />

contre sa femme.<br />

G. Cc est assavoir, de la blastiier. Apres it met une<br />

autre regle ou enseignenielit.<br />

T. Item, cc est bon que elle soit dame des despens<br />

que i'en fait as festes et as convis, lesquclies festes on<br />

clespenses le mari seuffre et veult estre faictes.<br />

C. Car comule souvent est dit, elle doit gander et dispenser<br />

les choses de l'ostel au bon plaisir de son mari et a<br />

ses anus. Ft pource que femme est naturelnient tenante,<br />

elle fait les despens plus modesteiiient et le niari est excuse<br />

se la chose tie est plus grande.<br />

T. Item, que die use de despenses et de vestemens et<br />

die apparat mendre que les lays dc Ia cite ne commandent<br />

on scuff rent.<br />

G. Len seult iiiettre lays es cites que teles choses tie<br />

passent certain teriue ou mesure. Et tine bonne femme tie<br />

doit pas proceder siques a celle mesure; car it scnbieroit<br />

que encor passeroit elk oultrc se tie estoit la lay et que die<br />

nioderast cointise et teles choses par contraireté et non pas<br />

de volenté.<br />

T. Et (bit considerer que curiositC de querir vesteinens<br />

differens des autres en excellence de beauté tie<br />

multitude d'or tie fait pas tant a vertu de femme comme<br />

fait modestie et attrcmpance et desir de vie honeste et<br />

composee on bien ordenee.<br />

C. Ii dit multitude d'or car aucuns paremens de fenmies<br />

estoicnt d'or on dorCs. Et de cc fait mention / (339d)<br />

1'Escripture: Cunt ornata fueris monilli aureo, etc.<br />

T. Car chescun tel aournement est elation de corage<br />

et orgueil et se elle s'en garde, elle sera mout plus certame<br />

ciue justes loenges lui seront retribuees a sa<br />

viellece, et a elle et a ses filz.<br />

G. Car se elk excedoit en cointise, it senil)leroit queue<br />

tie lust pas chaste et despenderoit par quoy ses enfans<br />

seroicnt liloinS riches. Ft donques par ccstC moderation<br />

cIte sera moms suspecte a son mar : Confidit in ea cor yin<br />

sui et a ' autres et plus profectable a ses enfans et seront<br />

loés pour Ic bieii de cue. Mes pour cc nc se dolt cue pits<br />

vestir tie tenir villement et connie serve, ines honestenient<br />

et mojennement, scion son estat.<br />

C. That is, against his will. And he now clarifies this<br />

by three arguments.<br />

T. For she must dread especially the gossip of the<br />

women of the neighborhood, which can very well corrupt<br />

the soul.<br />

C. If she were to permit strange mento enter and live<br />

in the house, her female neighbors would spread a scandal.<br />

Possibly he means also that strange women should not be<br />

admitted either, for they might corrupt her with their<br />

evil speech.<br />

T. And also in order that she alone may know what<br />

is happening inside the house.<br />

C. For in the best home,,; it must happen that very<br />

private matters occur or transpire and strangers // (3390<br />

should not be allowed to witness them.<br />

T. If any untoward incident or any harm should<br />

happen because of those who visit the house, the husband<br />

has reason to blame his wife.<br />

C. That is, to complain against her. Next he states<br />

another rule or precept.<br />

T. It is good that she have control of the expenditures<br />

for festivities and banquets which the husband<br />

may permit and approve.<br />

C. As we have frequently said, she should watch over<br />

and spend the household goods according to her husband's<br />

pleasure and that of his friends. And since woman is<br />

naturally parsimonious, she spends more moderately than<br />

her husband and he is excused if his generosity is no<br />

greater.<br />

T. Her expenditures and her dress and ornaments<br />

should be less than the laws of the city stipulate or allow.<br />

C. It is customary to set regulations in cities limiting<br />

such expenditures. And a good wife should not even<br />

approach this limit, since it would be judged that she<br />

would wish to exceed the limit if there were no law and<br />

that her moderation in dress and adornment was actually<br />

against her will and contrary to her desires.<br />

T. And she should remember that eagerness to surpass<br />

other women in the beauty of her apparel or in the<br />

abundance of gold does not so much enhance feminine<br />

virtue as do modesty, temperance, and the desire for an<br />

upright and orderly life.<br />

G. lie says abundance of gold because certain materials<br />

for 'omens clothing were woven with gold or with gilded<br />

thread. And the Scripture makes mention of this: /<br />

(339d) "Although thou deckest thyself with ornaments of<br />

gold, etc." I Jer. 4: 301.<br />

T For such adornments incline her to arrogance<br />

and pride and if she avoids them, she will be much<br />

more certain to receive in her old age, for herself and<br />

for her children, the praise which is her due.<br />

C. For were she too alluring, it would seem that she<br />

WAS not chaste and that she was spending to the detriment<br />

of her children's inheritance. Moreover, her moderation<br />

will render her less suspect to her husband: "The heart of<br />

her husband doth safely trust in lien" [Prov. 31: 11]. And<br />

less suspect also to other people; and she will seem more<br />

precious to her children and they will be praised for her<br />

excellence. However, she should not dress or behave

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