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T. Adonques seront it faiz bons aussi comme a bon<br />

droit ou a bonne cause; et se it ne obtiennent ceste<br />

chose, it souffreront deffaute.<br />

G. Cc peut estre entendu des enfans qui avroient deffaute<br />

de sens et de bonnes incurs se it ne estoient chastiés<br />

en ,joennece. Car si comme it appert par le premier<br />

chapitre du secunt d'E!/iiques, tres grande difference a de<br />

soy acoustumer a une chose en joennece on autre. Et<br />

de cc depent toute la vie, Et pour cc (lit Ic Sage: Fuji<br />

tibi sunt; erudi illos et curva illos a preniicia illoruni. Len<br />

doit enseigner ses filz et chastier des ]cur enfance et mesniement<br />

car it sunt ignorans. Et pour cc dit le Sage:<br />

Stulticia colligata est in corde pueri et virga discipline<br />

fugabit earn. L'en les fait sages par discipline. Et oveques<br />

cc, it sunt enchns a mal scion FEscripturc qui dit : Sensus<br />

enim et cogitacio cordis huniani prona sunt ad nialum ab<br />

adolescencia sua. Item, Ic texte pent estre 1 exposé: des<br />

parens qui avront deffaute en leur viellece, se au commencement<br />

it entreduissent leur enfans teicment qu'il devi-<br />

/ (342b) ennent malvés ; cal' miex vault mourir sans enfans<br />

que lessier les maivés, scion cc que (lit le Sage: Utile est<br />

mon sine tiliis quam relinquere filios impios. Et donques<br />

les parens doivent enduire 1 les enfans a bien par bonne<br />

discipline. Apres it met comme it doivent cc faire par<br />

example.<br />

T. Car se les parens ne clonnent a icur enfans example<br />

de bonne vie, ii pourront avoir, cc est a dire,<br />

prendre pure et excusable cause vers leur parens.<br />

G. It sc cxcuseront de cc qu'il ne sunt bons; car les<br />

enfans prennent garde a icur parens et ensuient volentiers<br />

leur fais: Patrem sequitur sua proles. Et Uen dit coinniunelment:<br />

Tele est la mere, tele est la fi]le. Item, it se<br />

excuseront de aidier as parens qui ont esté negligens de<br />

les nourrir a droit, combien que, par aventure, ces causes<br />

ne les excusent pas du tout scion verité, mes selon apparance.<br />

T. Et doivent lez parens avoir paourque finablement<br />

leur filz ne les aient en despit et que it ne soient cause<br />

de ]cur destruction ou mort parce qu'iI ne vivent pas<br />

bien.<br />

G. Cc peut cstre exposé des filz qui seront cause (le la<br />

mort des parens; car it ne leur vouldront secourir en leur<br />

villece pource qu'il seront nialvés. item, cc peut estre<br />

exposé des parens, car Ia malice de leur vie et de ]cur doctrine<br />

est souvent cause de Ia mort des enfans. Et de cc<br />

recite ici Barthelem y de Bruges que un que Yen nienoit<br />

pendre requist que ii baisast sa mere et lui esrasa Ic nes<br />

as dens, 2 en disant que die estoit cause de sa mort. Et<br />

I'Escripture (lit que les filz se complaignent du pere felon<br />

Dc pa- // (342c) tre impio qucruntur 1 !ilii. Apres it<br />

conclut.<br />

T. Et pour cc, it appartient an niari qu'il ne lesse ou<br />

trespasse rien qui face a Ia doctrine (IC sa femme, afin<br />

que jouxte ]cur possibilité it puissent procreer et engendrer<br />

enfans aussi comme de tres bons parens.<br />

G. Car si comrne it appert par Ic sixte chapitrc du<br />

premier de I'olitiqucs, comniunelment de boils parens viennent<br />

bons enfans, Ft donques Ic niari doit avoir solicitude<br />

et cure que sa fenlnie soit bonne. El cc prove Aristote<br />

apres par la tierce raison.<br />

T. Then they will grow up virtuous as they rightly<br />

should. And if the parents do not obtain this result,<br />

they will be the losers.<br />

G. This can he understood to refer to those children who<br />

might lack intelligence or good habits if the y were not<br />

thoroughly disciplined in their youth. For, as stated in<br />

Ethics II, 1, there is a great difference in growing accustomed<br />

to one thing or to another ill one's youth. And<br />

the entire life is affected by this, thus Solomon says<br />

"Have you sons, correct them and guide them from their<br />

childhood" [Ecclicus 7: 25]. One should instruct and discipline<br />

his children from infancy, especially because they<br />

are ignorant. And Solomon says: 'Foolishness is bound<br />

in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive<br />

it far from him" [Pros'. 22: 15]. Discipline makes them<br />

well behaved. Children are, moreover, inclined to evil,<br />

as the Scripture says-: For the imagination of man's heart<br />

is evil from his youth" [Gen. 8: 21]. The text may be<br />

explained as referring to parents, who will be needy in<br />

their old age if, at the beginning, they educate their children<br />

in such manner that they become / ( 342b) wicked.<br />

For it is better to die childless than to leave wicked children<br />

behind, as Solomon states: "It is better to die childless<br />

than to leave an impious posterity" [Ecclicus 16: 41.<br />

Therefore, parents should train their children by good<br />

discipline. Next he shows how parents must accomplish<br />

this by their example.<br />

T. If the parents (10 not offer their children the example<br />

of a good life, these latter ma y in their turn find<br />

good and sound cause to mistreat their parents.<br />

G. They will discover an excuse to explain why they<br />

are not good. For children observe their parents and<br />

readily follow their example: "The offspring follows its<br />

father" [Latin proverb]. And there is a common saying:<br />

<strong>Li</strong>ke mother, like daughter. They will refuse to help the<br />

parentswho have neglected to care for them properly even<br />

though this is perhaps no satisfactory excuse in actual<br />

truth, but only in appearance.<br />

T. And parents must fear lest in the end their children<br />

despise them and cause their destruction or death<br />

because of their evil manner of living.<br />

G. This can be interpreted to refer to the children, who<br />

will cause their parents' death since the children, because<br />

of their evil ways, will not be willing to help their parents<br />

in their old age. Or it may refer to the parents, since<br />

their evil ways are often the cause of their children's death.<br />

And at this point in his commentary, Barthélemy of Bruges<br />

tells the story of a man who was being taken to be hanged.<br />

He begged to be allowed to kiss his mother and he bit off<br />

her nose with his teeth, saying that she was the cause of<br />

his death. And Scripture says that the children complain<br />

about a wicked father: "A godless father do the // (342c)<br />

children curse" [Ecclicus 41: 10]. Now he concludes.<br />

T. Therefore it is the husband's business to leave<br />

nothing undone to assure his wife's training, so that, to<br />

the extent of their powers, they may together raise up<br />

their children as good parents should.<br />

G. As appears in Politics I, 2 [1255b 2], good parents<br />

generally produce good children. Therefore, the husband<br />

must exercise great care that his wife is a good wife. And<br />

Aristotle proves this by his third argument.<br />

t<br />

vp.. t<br />


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