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fllz qui sunt des fernmes qui forlignent et sunt malveses<br />

et iniques ne soient faites semblables 2 as filz frans et qui<br />

sunt legitimes. Car coniniunelment les filz sunt semblables<br />

au pare et les uns as autres. lit les femmes sunt malveses<br />

qui s'abandonncnt a ceulz qui ne sunt leur mans. lit ainsi<br />

avons le premier inconvenient doubiement translate et<br />

exposé.<br />

T. Et donques de ces choses est deue au mari reverence,<br />

cc est a dire, cure oveques diligence.<br />

T. lit afin que la femme ne soit privee de son<br />

honeur.<br />

G. Ce seroit le secont inconvenient,<br />

T. Et afin tine de cc ne soit ajoinst ou ne vienne<br />

reproce as filz legitinies.<br />

G. Cc est tres grande villenie a un liomme quant len<br />

peut dire qua sa mere ne fu pas chaste. Et homme doit<br />

estre plus vertucus qua femme. lit pour cc, par aventure,<br />

selon verité at salon raison, encor est cc plus grant re- //<br />

(344a) proce quant Yen iui peut dire que son pere ne tint<br />

a sa mere ne by ne loiaité et qu'il fu un nibaut.<br />

5. Ou quint chapitre ii met autres enscigne-utens pour<br />

faire Ia femme bonne.<br />

T. Ce est chose decente, avenante at appartenante<br />

quc le honime approce de sa femme bien composee.<br />

G. Quant a bonnes incurs et quant au fait de generation.<br />

Car ou chapitre precedent Aristote a monstré comme Ic<br />

mari ne doit touchier autre femme que la sienna. lit en<br />

cast chapitre it met premierement comma it doit approcer<br />

de Ia sienne.<br />

T. Oveques moult I grande honesté at modcstie ou<br />

attrempance at ovcqucs verconde nu honte, en lui<br />

donnant paroles de conjunction cliarnele tales comme it<br />

appartiennent a cevre generative qui est de bonne<br />

manicre et licite et honeste.<br />

G. Car Se it approçoit de die trop hardiment et sans<br />

vcrconde et oveques paroles deshonnestes at en maniere<br />

dissolue, it la feroit trop hardie et la feroit encline a incontinence<br />

et a appeter 2 autre homnie. Et ne est pas<br />

maniere de gens chastes, mes de hommes incontinens at<br />

vers bias feiiiimies. Apres it met on autre enseigiletlient.<br />

T. Item, it doit vers cue user de moult grant modestie<br />

on attrempance et de moult de foy en lui remettant et<br />

pardonnant les pechies petis et voluntaires.<br />

G. Si comma aucunes negligences, deffautes ou simpIeces<br />

qua ella fait pour la fragillité du sexe. Car se 11<br />

vouloit tout pugnir asprement, it feroit mal et / (344b)<br />

pechey et avroit trop a faire.<br />

T. Item, se die peche aucune chose par ignorance....<br />

G. Cc est a entendre de cc qua elle dat savoir, car<br />

autrenient ella ne pecheroit pas.<br />

T. It la doit arnonester telement qu'il ne iui face pas<br />

avoir paour at creinte qui soit sans verconde et sans<br />

reverence oveques amour.<br />

some other texts which read siniiies, the translation would<br />

be: Or in order that the children of the women who are<br />

promiscuous and wiked and evil may not become the<br />

equals of the children who are truly legitimate. Because<br />

children are generally much like their father and like one<br />

another. And those women are wicked who give themselves<br />

to men who are not their husbands. Thus we have<br />

translated and doubly explained the first inconvenience.<br />

T. And so that the wife may not be robbed of her<br />

honor..<br />

C. This would he the second inconvenience.<br />

T. And in order that no shame should attach or<br />

cling to the legitimate children.<br />

C. It is a great shame for a man when people cars say<br />

that his mother was not chaste. And a man must be more<br />

virtuous than woman. Perhaps, therefore, it is true and<br />

reasonable to consider it to be a greater reproach even //<br />

(344a) when people can say to a man that his father did<br />

not keep faith or honor with his mother and that his father<br />

was a debauched person.<br />

T. Therefore, a man imist give reverent attention to<br />

these matters, that is to say, diligent care.<br />

5. In the fifth chapter he gives at/icr precepts to make<br />

the wife a good woman.<br />

T. It is a decent, proper and fitting procedure that<br />

the husband should approach his wife when she is calm<br />

and composed.<br />

C. With regard to good morals and to the matter of<br />

sexual relations. Because in the preceding chapter Aristotle<br />

has shown that the husband should touch no other<br />

woman than his own wife, in this chapter he first states<br />

how he should approach his own.<br />

T. With great courtesy and modesty or self-restraint<br />

and also with awe and humility, speaking to her such<br />

words concerning carnal union as are fitting and suitable<br />

to the lawful anti honorable performance of the sexual<br />

act.<br />

C. For should he approach her too roughly and shamelessly<br />

and use indecent language and behave in a dissolute<br />

manner, he would make her too brazen and incline her to<br />

incontinence and to lust after another man. And this is not<br />

the way chaste persons act but rather the manner of incontinent<br />

men toward wanton women. Next lie sets down<br />

another precept.<br />

T. He should treat her with great modesty and selfrestraint<br />

and trust, forgiving and pardoning her trivial<br />

and spontaneous mistakes.<br />

C. Such as certain negligences or artless faults she<br />

commits through the common frailty of her sex. For if<br />

lie were to punish her sharply, he would do wrong and<br />

/ (344b) commit a sin and he would have far too much<br />

to do.<br />

T. If she has done wrong through ignorance....<br />

C. This refers to something which she ought to know,<br />

for otherwise she would not be committing a sin.<br />

T. He should admonish her in such a Way that he<br />

does not inspire in her fright of a sort that might be<br />

shameless and devoid of loving respect for him.

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