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G. Et est ce que l'cn appelle en latin timor fihialis, limor<br />

castus. Creinte filial est chaste. lit par tele paoUr doubtent<br />

Dieu les angclz et les sains, Si comme dit l'Escripture<br />

Timebunt angeli.<br />

T. Mes une autre espece de creinte est oveques haine<br />

et inimisté, Si comme les serfs ont oveques leur seigneurs<br />

et les citoiens as tyrans injurieus et iniqtieS.<br />

G. II entent des sers qui stint en servitude par violence<br />

et contre leur volenté et ]cur nature. Et ceste paour ou<br />

creinte est appellee servile: Timor servilis. Et ainsi les<br />

dyables creingnent Nostre Seigneur: Deniones credunt et<br />

tremunt. lit donques le mari doit faire a son povoir que<br />

sa femme Ic doubte scion Ia premiere espece de creinte ou<br />

de paour. Apres it met tin autre enseignement, qui est<br />

aussi conmie conclusion des dessus mis.<br />

T. Item, de toutes ces choses it doit eslire les melleurs<br />

et faire (jUC sa femme soit concordabie et ioiaie et<br />

propre a lui.<br />

G. Concordabic en volenté loiale en operation, propre<br />

sans cc qu'elle aime autre charnelnient.<br />

T. Afin ciu'eiie ne use pas moms de bonne operation<br />

mi present et lui non present, mes face tousjours aussi<br />

comme // (345a) se it estoit present. Et qu'ii et elle<br />

soient aussi comme curateurs et gardes des choses communes<br />

de l'ostel. Et quant i'liotume est absent que sa<br />

femme sente et apperceve que nul tie est meileur 1 a cue<br />

ne plus moderé ne plus propre nine son man.<br />

G. Nut meileur en lui faisant bien, tie plus moderé en<br />

la traictant benignement, ne plus propre sans traire soy<br />

vers autre. Et donques Ic mari la doit gouverner telement<br />

et faire tant a son povoir queue ait ceste opinion.<br />

T. Et qu'il monstre ceste chose an commencement<br />

en resgardant tousjours au bien commun de l'ostel,<br />

combien (ltl'elle soit novice et peu sachante en teles<br />

choses.<br />

C. Scion tine exposition, it veuit dire que Ic mari dolt<br />

enseigner la femme au commencement Ct scion une autre<br />

exposition, it veult dire quc la femme doit monstrer soy<br />

estre tele comnie dit est.-`<br />

T. Item, se le homme a domination mesmement a<br />

Soy....<br />

G. Ce est a dire, quil soit scigneur de soy en repriniant<br />

ses concupiscences et ses ires et en regulant ses faiz par<br />

raison.<br />

T. II sera bon recteur ou gouverneur de toute la vie<br />

domestique et enseignera a la femnie user de teles<br />

choses.<br />

C. Car quant Ic seigneur de i'ostel, qui est niaistre,<br />

gouverneur et example a tous, est bon scion soy, chescun,<br />

et femme et enfans et servans en doit miex valoir. Mes<br />

scion une autre exposition, qui ne semble pas si propre<br />

parce que ii (lit Si ipse sibi inaxime dotninetur, it entent<br />

que Ic mari soit bien seigneur de sa fenime. Or avons<br />

donqucs en cest chapitre .vi. enseignemens pour faire la<br />

feninie bonne.3<br />

C. This is what is expressed by the Latin timor flliali.r,<br />

tinior cast us: filial fear is chaste. And with this kind of<br />

awe the angels and saints fear God; as the Scripture says:<br />

"The angels shall be afraid" [Job 41: 16].<br />

T. But another kind of awe is accompanied by hatred<br />

and hostility, such as slaves feel for their masters and<br />

citizens towards despotic and evil tyrants.<br />

C. By slaves he means those who are such by violence<br />

and against their will and contrary to their nature. And<br />

this kind of fear or awe is called servile: timor servilis.<br />

lit manner the devils fear our Lord: "The demons<br />

believe and tremble" [James 2: 19]. Therefore, the husband<br />

must try that his wife should fear him with the firstmentioned<br />

kind of awe or fear. Next he states another<br />

precept, which is in the nature of a conclusion to the<br />

previous ones.<br />

T. Thus the husband should choose the best of all<br />

these possible alternatives and see to it that his wife<br />

should be in harmony with him, loyal and devoted to<br />

him alone.<br />

C. Harmonious in her will, loyal in action, and devoted<br />

to the exclusion of any other carnal love.<br />

T. So that whether he is present or absent, she will<br />

act equally well, behaving herself exactly /,/ (345a) as<br />

though lie were present. And they should both be caretakers<br />

and watch over their common interests in the<br />

household. And when the husband is away, she should<br />

feel and perceive that no other man is kinder to her or<br />

more considerate or more completely hers than her own<br />

husband.<br />

G. No one better in goodness to her or more considerate<br />

in treating her kindly or more completely her own without<br />

turning to other women. Thus the husband should govern<br />

his wife in such manner and seek in every possible way<br />

that she hold this opinion of him.<br />

T. Let him show this concern from the very beginning,<br />

looking always to the common welfare of the<br />

household even though she be a novice and know little<br />

of such matters.<br />

G. According to one exposition, he means that the husband<br />

should teach the wife at the beginning, and another<br />

expositor says he means that the wife should show herself<br />

to be concerned as indicated above.<br />

T. And if the husband is indeed master of himself.<br />

C. That is, if he masters his lusts and his angry passions<br />

and governs his acts by reason.<br />

T. He will be a good teacher or governor of the<br />

domestic life and will guide his wife to use the same<br />

measures.<br />

C. Because when the master of the household, who is<br />

the director, governor, and the example for all within the<br />

estate, is himself a good man, then each member—wife,<br />

children, and servants—must be more worthy likewise. But<br />

according to another reading, which does not seem to me<br />

so correct because it says: If the husband learns first of all<br />

to control himself, he means that the husband should be a<br />

good master to his wife. We now have in this chapter six<br />

precepts dealing with the training of the good wife.

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