Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns

Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns

Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns


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The alto flute (on mike) plays p espr “3” triplet value ascending 8ths Line 1 G-<br />

Ab-Bb [written Line 2 C-Db-Eb] up to descending “3” triplet 8ths Line 2 Db-C Line 1 G<br />

8ths with the G tied to half note to (Bar 2) F-G-G# triplet value 8ths to I believe Cb-G-F<br />

8ths to D quarter note (followed by a quarter rest). The glock in Bar 1 sounds p Line 2 G<br />

whole note to (Bar 2) F whole note. The celeste or piano II plays p small octave BB/Line<br />

1 E/G/Line 2 C#/G rinforzando whole notes to (Bar 2) small octave G/Line 1D/F/B/Line<br />

2 F whole notes. Piano I plays Line 1 BB/Line 2 E/G/Line 3 C#/G whole notes to Bar 2)<br />

G/Line 2 D/F/B/Line 3 F whole notes. The harp plays small octave BB/middle<br />

C#/E/G/Line 2 C# rinforzando half notes (followed by a half rest) to (Bar 2) G/B/Line 1<br />

D/F/G/Line 2 D half notes.<br />

After a half and quarter rest in Bar 2, the Cithare (French for zither) plays mf Line<br />

2 A to B 8ths to (Bar 3) Line 3 C quarter note down to Line 2 G dotted quarter note down<br />

to E 8 th to “3” triplet value 8ths F-Ab-B up to (Bar 4) Line 2 C quarter note down to Line<br />

2 G dotted quarter note down to E 8 th to “3” triplet value 8ths F down to Db down to Line<br />

1 Bb to (Bar 5) Line 2 C up to G to F up to Bb quarter notes to (Bar 6) Ab quarter note to<br />

G half note to A-B 8ths, and so forth.<br />

The strings are sords (muted). Violins I sound p a series of bowed trem notes<br />

starting with Line 2 E dotted half note to F quarter note to (Bar 4) E dotted half note to<br />

Db quarter note to (Bar 5) C half note to Db up to F quarter notes to (Bar 6) F dotted half<br />

note to divisi notes A-B 8ths and also F quarter note. Back in Bar 3, violins II are bowed<br />

trem on Line 2 C dotted half note to D quarter note to (Bar 4) C dotted half note down to<br />

Bb quarter note to (Bar 5) G half note to Ab up to Line 2 Db quarter notes to (Bar 6) D<br />

dotted half note to same D quarter note. Violas are bowed trem on Line 1 G dotted half<br />

note to Ab quarter note to (Bar 4) G dotted half note to F quarter note to (Bar 5) E half<br />

note to F up to Bb quarter notes to (Bar 6) B dotted half note to B quarter note. Back in<br />

Bar 3, the harp plays a series of 16 th note figures. The top staff shows Line 1 G-E-G-E<br />

(connected as a figure by two crossbeams) down to C-E-G-E 16ths to G-E-G-E 16ths to<br />

D-F-Ab-F 16ths to (Bar 4) col the first three figures of the previous bar to F-Db-F-Db<br />

16ths. The bottom staff shows small octave C up to G up to middle C down to small<br />

octave G played 3X to D up to Ab to B to Ab 16ths to (Bar 4) the same three figures as<br />

the last bar to Great octave BB up to small octave F up to Bb down to F 16ths. Etc.<br />

“Lawrence” [2M1] Quarter note = 54. I have no idea where this cue is placed. I<br />

cannot find it so far. Perhaps it was written but never used.<br />

Flute I in Bar 1 sounds mp what appears to be an Arab-sounding phrasing starting<br />

on Line 2 A half note tied to 8 th note to Bb 8 th to “5” quintuplet 16ths Line 3 C-Line 2 B-<br />

A-B-A with that final A 16 th tied to (Bar 2) quarter note and tied to “3” triplet value 8 th to<br />

Bb up to C triplet 8ths to “6” sextuplet 16ths Line 3 Db-C-Line 2 B-A-B-A with that final<br />

A tied to quarter note to (Bar 3 in 5/4 time) 8 th note to Ab 8 th down to F up to Ab 8ths to<br />

A dotted half note, and so forth. Two desks divisi con sords of celli in Bar 1 sound p<br />

Great octave D/A whole notes tied to whole notes next bar to (Bar 3 in 5/4 time) D/A<br />

dotted half notes to D/A half notes tied to dotted half notes next bar and tied to half notes.<br />


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