Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns

Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns

Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns


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notes to (Bar 1) middle C rinforzando 8 th (followed by an 8 th rest) down to Great octave<br />

G 8 th (followed by an 8 th rest) to (Bar 2) small octave C 8 th (followed by an 8 th rest)<br />

down to G 8 th (followed by an 8 th rest). CB play Great octave B up to small octave D# to<br />

F# to B 16ths to (Bar 1) middle C rinforzando 8 th (and so forth, following the celli notes).<br />

The snare drum is rolled forte on a quarter note tied to (Bar 1) 8 th note to staccato 8 th<br />

(followed by an 8 th rest) to two grace notes to staccato 8 th . The tuba in Bar 1 plays small<br />

octave C rinforzando 8 th (followed by an 8 th rest) down to Great octave G 8 th (followed<br />

by an 8 th rest). After an 8 th rest in Bar 1, horns play small octave G/middle C/E [written<br />

Line 1D/G/B] 8ths (followed by an 8 th rest) to same 8ths.<br />

The trumpets and trombones play the “Drill” fast-paced military theme. They<br />

sound forte Line 2 (Line 1 for Pos) C [written D for the trumpets] dotted 8 th to C-C 32 nd<br />

notes to C-C 8ths to (Bar 2) C dotted quarter note to “3” triplet value C-C-C 16ths to (Bar<br />

3) C down to Line 1 G 8ths (crossbeam connected) up to Line 2 E down to Line 1 G 8ths<br />

(crossbeam connected) up to (Bar 3) Line 2 C 8 th down to Line 1 G quarter note up to<br />

Line 2 C 8 th up to (Bar 5) E dotted 8 th to E-E 32 nd notes to E-E 8ths to (Bar 6) E dotted<br />

quarter note top E-E-E “3” triplet value 16ths to (Bar 7) E down to C up to G down to C<br />

8ths to (Bar 8) E 8 th down to C quarter note to E 8 th , and so forth. Most of the other<br />

instruments play, as given, one tone higher, coma sopra from Reel 1/1 of Sante Fe Trail.<br />

So Bar 2 here corresponds to Bar 12 in the previous movie, and so forth.<br />

-Reel 1/part 3 Marciale in 12/8 time, 6 pages, 22 bars. Starts on “Well, here’s<br />

somebody” [Custer enters regally on horse] End with Sharpe on “Welcome to West<br />

Point.” The trumpets are sords and mf.<br />

-Reel 1/part 4 Moderato in C time, 6 pages, 25 bars. Sharpe is there in the<br />

accommodations, plus the dogs. Cue # 23622. Custer states, “Thanks very much for your<br />

kindness.” The Sharpe theme is played by the oboes and clarinets. After an 8 th rest, oboe I<br />

plays mf “6” sextuplet 32 nd notes Line 2 G-F#-F-E-Eb-D to CE dotted half note tied to<br />

(Bar 2) dotted 8 th note to C 16 th down to Line 1 B dotted 8 th up to C 16 th to next figure of<br />

C# dotted 8 th to C 16 th down to B dotted 8 th to Bb 16 th down to (Bar 3 in 3/4 time) G<br />

dotted half note tied to half note next bar in 2/4 time to (Bar 5) A half note. Oboe II plays<br />

(after an initial 8 th rest) “6” sextuplet 32 nd notes figure Line 2 Eb-D-Db-C-Line 1 B-Bb<br />

(connected as a figure by three crossbeams) to A dotted half note rinforzando-marked and<br />

tied to (Bar 2) dotted 8 th note to Ab 16 th to G dotted 8 th to Ab 16 th to next figure of A<br />

dotted 8 th to Ab 16 th to G dotted 8 th to Gb 16 th down to (Bar 3 in 3/4 time) E dotted half<br />

note tied to (Bar 4 in 2/4 time) half note to (Bar 5) F half note. After an 8thbrest in Bar 1,<br />

clarinet I plays mf Line 2 C# [written D#] to C to Line 1 B to Bb to A to G# “6” sextuplet<br />

32 nd notes to G [written A] dotted half note rinforzando-marked and tied to (Bar 2) dotted<br />

8 th to F# 16 th to E# [written Fx] dotted 8 th to F# 16 th to next figure of G dotted 8 th to F#<br />

16 th to F dotted 8 th to E 16 th to (Bar 3 in 3/4 time) C# [written D#] dotted half note<br />

decrescendo hairpin and tied to (Bar 4 in 2/4 time) half note to (Bar 5) C half note. After<br />

an 8 th rest, clarinet II plays “6” sextuplet 32 nd notes Line 1 A-Ab-G-Gb-F-E to Eb<br />

[written F natural] rinforzando dotted half note tied to (Bar 2) dotted 8 th note to D 16 th to<br />

C# dotted 8 th to D 16 th to next figure of Eb dotted 8 th to D 16 th to Db dotted 8 th to C# 16 th<br />

to (Bar 3 in 3/4 time) small octave Bb [written middle C] dotted half note > tied to (Bar<br />


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