Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns

Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns

Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns


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Bar 19 to play Line 1 G#-A#-B-Line 2 C# 16ths to D#-E#-F#-G# 16ths to A#-B-Line 3<br />

C#-D# 16ths to E#-F#-G#-A# 16ths to (Bar 20) B 16 th (followed by rests). Flute II, oboe,<br />

and clarinet I play the run part way. Pos in Bar 17 play f > Great octave Ab/small octave<br />

C/Eb/Ab (Ab maj) whole notes, returning in Bar 19 on Great octave F#/small octave<br />

C#/F#/A# (F# maj) whole notes. Harp II in Bar 17 is gliss from Contra-octave Ab 32 nd<br />

note gliss line up to (Bar 18) Line 4 C 8 th . After a half rest in Bar 19, harp I sounds forte<br />

Line 3 A# half note gliss line down to (Bar 20) Contra-octave B half note let vibrate. The<br />

tubas play Contra-octave and Great octave Ab whole notes to (Bar 19) F# whole notes.<br />

Celli and bass clarinet play “3” triplet value 8ths Great octave Ab up to small octave Eb<br />

up to middle C 8 th tied to half note and tied to triplet value 8 th down to E down to C 8ths<br />

down to (Bar 18) Great octave C up to G triplet value 8ths up to E 8 th tied to half note and<br />

8 th down to C down to Great octave G triplet 8ths. Etc.[end session Sunday, March 27,<br />

2011 at 5:20 pm] Enough on this movie!<br />

-This Island Earth (1955) *** [music ***]<br />

http://www.amazon.com/This-Island-Earth-Jeff-<br />

Morrow/dp/B000FVQLKW/ref=sr_1_1?s=dvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1293331247&sr=1-1<br />

Another gorgeous three-strip Technicolor movie—very striking, in fact,<br />

considering it is a well-regarded scifi film with a wealth of special effects. Nevertheless,<br />

while “creative” and visually impressive, This Island Earth (TIE) is still a rather silly<br />

movie, poorly conceived and written. The premise that an alien technology that is at least<br />

hundreds—if not thousands-- of years advanced of Earth technology comes to our planet<br />

to ask the relative primitive natives (albeit the smartest ones, the nuclear scientists) to<br />

create just-as-advanced or greater energy technology is simply absurd. I particularly<br />

disliked the rushed ending on Metulana, as if it was meant to be just a brief restroom stop<br />

on the movie’s journey! This movie is strictly for kids and young teenagers. For this<br />

period in the mid-Fifties regarding the science fiction genre, I was far more impressed<br />

with Forbidden Planet. For one thing, the whole movie is focused on the alien setting—<br />

not just eight paltry minutes in This Island Earth—and the alien sets/environment and<br />

technologies and special effects were quite beautiful to look at. The Disney-generated<br />

Monster from the Id battle is one of my Top Ten best monster effects sequences. In TIE,<br />

the battle with the infinitely agile Mutant (with the zipper along the seam of his back)<br />

was a laughable groaner! And while I like Faith Domergue in TIE, she is no match for<br />

Anne Francis! If Paula Raymond were in TIE, then maybe I would give the movie a fourstar<br />

rating! Right now I am being very generous giving the film a three-star rating out of<br />

five—it probably should get a two & a half rating but since there were still impressive<br />

effects and designs in the first half of the movie, I’ll let the rating slide upward a halfnotch.<br />

The music (75% of it by Herman Stein) is better than the movie. While Herman is<br />

no Herrmann, and while Stein is no Steiner, he nevertheless produced an interesting<br />

score. Personally, as a side note, I like Ronald Stein’s music more than Herman Stein’s<br />

creations. Ronald wrote a terrific Main Title and other good cues for Dinosaurus. He also<br />

wrote Invasion of the Saucer Men for AIP, a cult favorite. As for Herman’s TIE, I overall<br />


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