Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns

Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns

Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns


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-Reel 1/3 [Old Man’s Hut]<br />

-Reel 2/A [Baseball Game]<br />

-Reel 2/1 [Old Man Asleep on Chair] George Parrish orchestrated this cue.<br />

-Reel 2/2-2/3 [African Dreams] Emanuel orchestrated this cue. This is one of<br />

the best cues in the score, quite beautiful, gentle, dreamy themes as the old man dreams<br />

of Africa. In Bar 9 he starts to dream (dvd 00:14:13). I do not have the title page but it<br />

appears there are no sharps or flats in the key signature that I can tell so far. After a<br />

quarter and 8 th rest in Bar 9, the flutes are flutter-tongued ppp on Line 3 C/# 8ths to B/D<br />

8ths to A/C 8ths to (Bar 10) G/B too F/A 8ths to E/G to C/E 8ths to Line 1 A/Line 2 C<br />

half notes. The violins are sul ponticello playing a series of largely descending bowed<br />

trem 16ths . After a half and 8 th rest in Bar 10 (dvd 00:14:17), 8 violins I play pp espr the<br />

beautiful dream theme of Line 2 E tenuto 8 th to E up to G tenuto 8ths to (Bar 11) F half<br />

note tied to 8 th note to F# tenuto 8 th (the rest of the violins join in here) to same F# to A<br />

tenuto 8ths to (Bar 12) G half note tied to 8 th note to G-G-Line 3 E tenuto 8ths, and so<br />

forth. At the end of Bar 10 harp I is gliss from Great octave C gliss line up to (Bar 11)<br />

descending glisses starting on Line 3 F-D-Line 2 B-A-F-D 32 nd notes wavy gliss line<br />

downwards then up to Line 3 D-Line 2 B-G-F-D down gliss up to Line 3 F#-Eb-C-Line 2<br />

A down gliss up to Line 2 A-F#-Eb- down gliss. Harp II is col harp I. In Bar 11 top staff<br />

violas are bowed trem pp on Line 1 D half note tied to 8 th to C/Eb dotted quarter notes<br />

bowed trem to (Bar 12) C/E dotted half notes bowed trem to C/E non-trem quarter notes.<br />

Bottom staff violas are bowed trem on small octave A quarter note to G/B quarter notes<br />

tied to 8ths down to Eb/F# dotted quarter notes to (Bar 12) G/B dotted half notes bowed<br />

trem to G/A non-trem quarter notes. Top staff celli play non-trem small octave F half<br />

note tied to 8 th note to F# dotted quarter note up to (Bar 12) an espressivo contrapuntal<br />

phrasing of Line 1 E quarter note down to small octave A to G 8ths crescendo to middle<br />

C down to A 16ths to G 8 th tied to quarter note. The english horn joins in on Bar 12.<br />

Bottom staff celli are bowed trem on Great octave G/small octave D half notes tied to<br />

8ths to Ab/Eb dotted quarter notes to (Bar 12) G/E dotted half notes to A/F quarter notes<br />

non-trem. CB play pp > small octave C half note tied to 8 th note to same C dotted quarter<br />

note to (Bar 12) C dotted half note to C quarter note. Etc.<br />

-Reel 2/4 [Old Man Wakes Boy] Maurice DePackh orchestrated this one.<br />

Dvd location: 00:16:20. After a quarter and 8 th rest in Bar 1 in 3/4 time, 6 violins I sound<br />

p Line 2 B stand-alone 8 th down to E up to G# 8ths (crossbeam connected) to (Bar 2)<br />

D#/F# side-bracketed double-stopped dotted half notes decrescendo hairpin. Six violins II<br />

here play Line 2 C#/E stand-alone 8ths to C#-D 8ths to (Bar 2) C# dotted half note.<br />

Violas here play Line 1 B 8 th to A#-A 8ths to (Bar 2) A dotted half note decrescendo. Top<br />

staff celli here play Line 1 G# 8 th to G down to C 8ths to (Bar 2) D# dotted half note.<br />

Bottom staff VC play p small octave B dotted half note tied to dotted half note next bar.<br />

The harp sounds ppp small octave B quarter note let vibrate in Bar 1. The marimba<br />

sounds ppp small octave B dotted half note trem (repeated next bar). After a quarter rest<br />

in Bar 2, the bongos sound pp three x-headed 8ths (notated just above the top staff line)<br />

down to another x-headed 8 th (notated on the second line from the top of the staff) (all<br />

four crossbeam connected) up to x-headed 8 th note (followed by an 8 th rest). The guitars<br />


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