Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns

Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns

Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns


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inforzando whole note held fermata. Clarinets play small octave F/A whole notes held<br />

fermata. The English horn plays small octave A [written Line 1 E] whole note held<br />

fermata.<br />

-Reel 4/3 [“Up There!”] Maestoso in 3/4 time. Cue # 30646. Key signature of<br />

two sharps (D maj/B min). After a dotted 8 th rest in Bar 1, three flutes play mf Line 2 D<br />

rinforzando 16 th up to A rinforzando half note to (Bar 2), after a dotted 8 th rest, A 16 th up<br />

to Line 3 D half note to (Bar 3, after a dotted 8 th rest, Line 3 D 16 th up to A half note tied<br />

to (Bar 4) dotted half note decrescendo and held fermata. The oboes and clarinets play<br />

this an octave lower register. After a dotted 8 th rest in Bar 3, the violins show up to play<br />

Line 2 D/F#/A/Line 3 D 16ths ff up to A/Line 3 D/F#/A (D major tonality) half notes tied<br />

to dotted half notes next bar and held fermata. Etc. The two harps in Bar 3 play Great<br />

octave D/A/small octave D/F#/A/Line 1 D quarter notes and then play ascending legato<br />

16 th notes Great octave D-A-small octave D-F# (crossbeam connected) to A-Line 1 D-<br />

F#-A to (Bar 4) Line 2 D-F#-A-Line 3 D 16ths to F# 8 th (followed by an 8 th rest) to A 8 th<br />

(followed by an 8 th rest). After a dotted 8 th rest in Bar 3, the bells sound forte Line 2 D<br />

16 th up to A half note tied to dotted half note held fermata next bar. The vibe plays here<br />

Line 1 D/F#/A/Line 2 D 16ths up to A/Line 2 D/F#/A half notes tied to next bar’s dotted<br />

half notes. Another vibe plays an octave higher register. The celeste plays as the first<br />

vibe just delineated.<br />

-Reel 4/3A Modto in 8 bars (2 pages) [prepare sluice] dvd 00:33:00<br />

-Reel 4/4 Con moto in C time, 4 pages, 15 bars [“Open the sluice gate!”] dvd<br />

00:33:29.<br />

The horns are stopped ( + sign above the notes) on Line 1 D#/F#/B quarter notes<br />

down to small octave A#/middle C#/F# to Fx/A#/Line 1 D# quarter notes to C#/E/A<br />

quarter notes (repeated next bar). Clarinets play similarly an octave higher register (as<br />

also the divisi viole). Celli play as the horns. Violins are bowed trem on Lines 2 & 3 G<br />

rinforzando whole notes mf tied to next bar to (Bar 3) G# whole notes tied to next bar.<br />

CB and trombones in felts play mf Great octave F whole note tied to next bar to (Bar 3) E<br />

whole note tied to next bar. The tuba plays this an octave lower register. Trumpets are<br />

silent here. A flute plays Line 2 G whole note tied to next bar to (Bar 3) G# whole note<br />

tied to next bar. The piccolo plays the same. Small bells play Line 1 F up to B up to Line<br />

2 C# up to G quarter notes trem (repeated next bar). The gong sounds a diamond-shaped<br />

whole note. The timp is rolled p on Great octave F whole note tied to next bar to (Bars 3-<br />

4) E tied whole notes. Harp I plays 32 nd note figures Line 2 B down to F# down to D#<br />

down to Line 1 A back to the same B-F#-D#-A notes (all 8 notes are connected as a<br />

figure by three crossbeams), and repeated next bar. Harp II plays contrary motion 32 nd<br />

notes small octave E#-B-middle C#-G back to the same series. Vibe I plays ascending 8 th<br />

notes Line 1 A-Line 2 D#-F#-B back down to the same figure (repeated next bar). Vibe II<br />

plays (after an initial 16 th rest) Line 2 F down to C# down to Line 1 B 8ths to G 16 th tied<br />

to 16 th up to Line 2 F to C# to B 8ths to G 16 th tied to next bar, etc. The piano and celeste<br />

are cop 2 harps (both hands). Etc.[end session Saturday, March 05, 2011 at 12:36 pm.<br />

Time to go out to San Pedro with the wife!]<br />


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