Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns

Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns

Bill Wrobel's DVD - Film Score Rundowns


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part or whole play in 4/4 time Line 2 D to C 16ths down to Line 1 A 8 th tied to dotted half<br />

note, and the clarinet plays the dotted half note. The piano and horns I believe play small<br />

octave A/Line 1 E 8ths up to D/F# 8ths tied to quarter notes. After a quarter and dotted<br />

8 th rest, the timp beats Great octave A 16 th to same A half note trem roll.<br />

“Sally/May” [R5/1] Note: These are the cue sheet titles for the two selections in<br />

Reel 5. “Sally” lasts 1:29, and “May” lasts :38. Combined it is listed as 2:07 duration in<br />

the Conductor score. Three pages, 31 bars. Dvd location 00:33:24. The tempo di valse<br />

section (Bar 18) starts at 00:34:53.<br />

In Bar 1, I believe the alto flute and violas and perhaps the vibe play ppp Line 1<br />

F# half note to A-B-Line 2 D#-C# 8ths down to (Bar 2) E quarter note to D# half note<br />

tied to 8 th note (followed by an 8 th rest). After a half and quarter rest in Bar 2, perhaps the<br />

bass clarinet and bassoon play Line 1 F# up to A 8ths legato to (Bar 3) E quarter note to<br />

D# dotted half note. After a half and quarter rest in Bar 3, the horns and the novachord<br />

sound pp < > the same notes. Then after a half and quarter rest in Bar 4, the flute, oboe,<br />

alto flute, strings and piano play the same an octave higher register. Etc.<br />

In Bar 18, violins play in 3/4 time Line 2 C# dotted quarter note down to B 8 th to<br />

A-G# 8ths up to (Bar 19) Line 2 F# half note to E quarter note to (Bar 20) E-D 8ths down<br />

to F#-A 8ths to G#-B 8ths (I believe the solo violin enters here) to (Bar 21) “3” triplet<br />

value 8ths Line 1 F#-G#-D# to E-A-Line 2 C# triplet value 8ths up to “6” sextuplet 16ths<br />

F# tied to 16 th up to Line 3 C# up to E down to Line 2 A.<br />

“Vibration” [Reel 6/1] 2 pages, 19 bars, 1:07 duration. Dvd location 00:42:02<br />

(or Chapter 7 at 02:32). Strings are harmonics and bowed trem ppp Line 2 B dotted half<br />

note. The harp and maybe the celeste play descending to ascending glisses. I believe the<br />

timp is trem rolled on small octave C whole note. Other instruments play Great octave<br />

C#/Eb/F#/small octave C# whole notes tied to half notes next bar (the timp is tied to half<br />

note as well). In Bar 2 in 2/4 time the strings play Line 2 F down to C bowed trem quarter<br />

notes. In Bar 3 in 4/4 time, the F major tonality (F/A/C) is established again with<br />

instruments playing Great octave F/small octave C/A/middle C whole notes tied to whole<br />

notes held fermata next bar. Violins or whatever play Line 1 F 8 th down to C 8 th tied to<br />

dotted half note and tied to bowed trem whole note next bar held fermata. The “Plane”<br />

theme starts again in Bar 6 Grandioso [dvd 00:42:22] ff in the key signature of three<br />

sharps.<br />

“Barber of Seville” [Reel 6/2] Key signature of four sharps, 8 pages, 98 bars,<br />

:52 duration. Of course Rossini’s music is quite prominent here, arranged by Tiomkin.<br />

After rests in Bar 1, the vibe sounds small octave G#/B/Line 1 E (E major tonality) 16ths<br />

to (Bar 2 in 2/4 time) Line 1 G#/B/Line 2 E/B half notes with a shimmer gliss from Line<br />

3 B half note down to (Bar 3) Line 1 E half note shimmer gliss up to (Bar 4) Line 2 B<br />

half notes, and so on thru Bar 7. After a quarter rest in Bar 3, sords violins play Line 1 E-<br />

E-E-E 16ths to (Bar 4) F# 8 th (followed by an 8 th rest) to G#-G#-G#-G# 16ths to (Bar 5)<br />

A 8 th (followed by an 8 th rest) to B-B-B-B 16ths to (Bar 6) Line 2 C# 8 th followed by rest<br />

marks. Violas and celli (also muted) play this an octave lower register. Etc.<br />


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