Left-Extremist Endeavours

Left-Extremist Endeavours

Left-Extremist Endeavours


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Upgrading of National-<br />

Socialism<br />

wart KLUGE with the headline "3 September 1939 - Who was responsible?"<br />

90) . He claimed that already the victorious powers of<br />

World War I had not only foreseen another war against Germany,<br />

but in many respects had even hoped for it. The tinder for<br />

kindling the next world war had been laid by the Allies alone, and<br />

not by Germany. Consequently, England and France to a large<br />

extent shared responsibility for the outbreak of that war. This,<br />

too, is a one-sided description of actual and alleged actions of<br />

what subsequently were Nazi Germany’s enemies in the war -<br />

without even the slightest mention of Hitler’s aggressive foreign<br />

politics as the true factor leading to the outbreak of World War II.<br />

In addition to such publications contributing to the denial of the<br />

political responsibility of the Hitler regime regarding the outbreak<br />

of that war, revisionist publications recurrently try to upgrade the<br />

events and institutions of the Nazi era. A case in point is the book<br />

"Auf Teufel komm raus. Unwahrheiten und Lügen über die<br />

nationalistische Jugendbewegung" ["Untruths and Lies about the<br />

Nationalist Youth Movement"], which was published by the rightextremist<br />

"Kurt Vowinckel Verlag" and written by Günter KAUF-<br />

MANN who in that book presents himself as the last living official in<br />

charge of the "Reichsjugendführung" and former director of the<br />

"Reichsinstitut für nationalsozialistische Jugendarbeit" 91) . The<br />

author claims that, thanks to the National-Socialist youth<br />

movement, young people had been educated to exercise sound<br />

judgement and, in the "Hitler-Jugend" (HJ - "Hitler Youth Movement"),<br />

had not been drilled to adapt to the system. Esprit de<br />

corps and comradeship are invoked as positive values, while<br />

their incorporation and exploitation by a totalitarian system are<br />

denied or disregarded. In addition, the author propagandizes<br />

other revisionist claims, for instance that world Jewry had declared<br />

war on Nazi Germany.<br />

Denial of the Holocaust Revisionism in the narrower sense is understood to mean denial<br />

of the mass extermination of Jews in the gas chambers of the<br />

concentration camps ("Holocaust denial"). This is a punishable<br />

act in Germany (Sections 130 [incitement of the people], 185 [insult]<br />

and 189 [slandering the memory of the dead] of the Penal Code)<br />

and therefore is propagandized mainly from abroad. An important<br />

actor in this field is the right-extremist organization "Vrij<br />

Historisch Onderzoek" (V.H.O. - "Institute for Free Historical<br />

Research") with headquarters in Belgium, which distributes all<br />

current publications by adherents of the "Holocaust denial",<br />

which have been confiscated and put on the index in Germany.<br />

In addition, the Institute in 1999 disseminated a pamphlet entitled<br />

"Holocaust & Revisionism. 33 Questions and Answers on the<br />

Subject of the Holocaust". In a condensed form it presents the<br />

major revisionist statements on this subject and advertizes rele-<br />


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