Annual report 2005 - Sava dd

Annual report 2005 - Sava dd

Annual report 2005 - Sava dd


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| notes to the consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS |<br />

1 5 3 |<br />

Reversals of impairment<br />

An impairment loss in respect of an investment in an<br />

equity instrument classified as available for sale is not<br />

reversed through profit or loss. If the fair value of a debt<br />

instrument classified as available for sale increases and<br />

the increase can be objectively related to an event<br />

occurring after the impairment loss was recognised in<br />

profit or loss, the impairment loss shall be reversed, with<br />

the amount of the reversal recognised in profit or loss.<br />

In respect of other assets, an impairment loss is reversed<br />

if there has been a change in the estimates used to<br />

determine the recoverable amount.<br />

An impairment loss is reversed only to the extent that<br />

the asset’s carrying amount does not exceed the carrying<br />

amount that would have been determined, net of<br />

depreciation or amortisation, if no impairment loss had<br />

been recognised.<br />

m) Share capital<br />

Repurchase of share capital<br />

When share capital recognised as equity is repurchased,<br />

the amount of the consideration paid, including directly<br />

attributable costs, is recognised as a change in equity.<br />

Repurchased shares are classified as treasury shares and<br />

presented as a deduction from total equity.<br />

Dividends<br />

Dividends are recognised as a liability in the period in<br />

which they are declared.<br />

n) Interest-bearing borrowings<br />

Interest-bearing borrowings are recognised initially at<br />

fair value less attributable transaction costs. Subsequent<br />

to initial recognition, interest-bearing borrowings are<br />

stated at amortised cost with any difference between<br />

cost and redemption value being recognised in the<br />

income statement over the period of the borrowings on<br />

an effective interest basis.<br />

o) Provisions<br />

A provision is recognised in the balance sheet when the<br />

Group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a<br />

result of a past event, and it is probable that an outflow<br />

of economic benefits will be required to settle the<br />

obligation. If the effect is material, provisions are<br />

determined by discounting the expected future cash<br />

flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects current market<br />

assessments of the time value of money and, where<br />

appropriate, the risks specific to the liability.<br />

Provisions for severance and employee jubilee benefits<br />

The company pays contributions for health insurance,<br />

pension and social insurance fund from gross salaries<br />

during the year at statutory defined rates. Contributions<br />

are recognised as an expense in the income statement as<br />

incurred.<br />

As stipulated by the legislation, collective agreement<br />

and internal regulations the Group is committed to pay<br />

employee jubilee benefits and severance upon their<br />

retirement, for which long-term provisions are formed.<br />

No other liabilities due to pension exist.<br />

Provisions are formed in the amount of benefit that<br />

employees have earned in return for their service in the<br />

current and prior periods, discounted at the balance<br />

sheet date. The calculation for every employee<br />

considers expense for severance upon retirement and all<br />

expected jubilee benefits until their retirement. The<br />

chosen discount interest rate is 2.75% annually and<br />

represents the real interest rate. The calculation is<br />

performed by a qualified actuary using the projected<br />

unit method.<br />

Warranties<br />

A provision for warranties is recognised when the<br />

underlying products or services are sold. The provision<br />

is based on historical warranty data and a weighting of<br />

all possible outcomes against their associated<br />

probabilities.<br />

Restructuring<br />

A provision for restructuring is recognised when the<br />

Group has approved a detailed and formal restructuring<br />

plan, and the restructuring has either commenced or has<br />

been announced publicly. Future operating costs are not<br />

provided for.<br />

p) Trade and other payables<br />

Trade and other payables are stated at cost.

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