L'insegnamento delle scienze nelle scuole in Europa - Indire

L'insegnamento delle scienze nelle scuole in Europa - Indire

L'insegnamento delle scienze nelle scuole in Europa - Indire


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Ricerche nella didattica e nella formazione degli <strong>in</strong>segnanti di <strong>scienze</strong>Méheut M. et Psillos D. (2004) Teach<strong>in</strong>g-learn<strong>in</strong>g sequences: aims and tools for science educationresearch. International Journal of Science Education, 26(5), 515-535.Millar, R. (1996) Investigation des élèves en sciences: une approche fondée sur la connaissance.Didaskalia, 9, 9-30.Millar, R. e Kanari, Z. (2003) How children reason from data to conclusions <strong>in</strong> practical science<strong>in</strong>vestigations? In D. Psillos, P. Kariotoglou, V. Tselfes, E. Hatzikraniotis, G. Fassoulopoulos e M. Kallery (Eds)Science Education Research <strong>in</strong> the Knowledge Based Society (Dordrecht: Kluwer) 117-126.M<strong>in</strong>istry of Education (1993) Science <strong>in</strong> the New Zealand Curriculum (Well<strong>in</strong>gton: Learn<strong>in</strong>g Media).Morge, L. (2001) Caractérisation des phases de conclusion dans l’enseignement scientifique. Didaskalia,18, 99-120.Morge, L. (2003a) Les connaissances profession<strong>nelle</strong>s locales: le cas d’une séance sur le modèleparticulaire. Didaskalia, 23, 101-132.Morge, L. (2003b) Mesure de l’impact d’une formation aux <strong>in</strong>teractions sur les pratiques enseignantes etles performances des élèves: aspects méthodologiques. In V. Albe, C. Orange e L. Simonneaux (Eds)Recherches en Didactique des Sciences et des Techniques: Questions en Débat, Actes des Troisièmes RencontresScientifiques de l’ARDIST (Toulouse: ENFA) 101-106.Mork, S.M. (2005) Argumentation <strong>in</strong> science lessons: Focus<strong>in</strong>g on the teacher’s role. Nordic Studies <strong>in</strong>Science Education,1, 17-30.Mortimer, E. e Scott, P. (2003) Mean<strong>in</strong>g mak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> secondary science classrooms. (Maidenhead Philadelphia:Open University Press).National Research Council (1996) National Science Education Standards (Wash<strong>in</strong>gton: National AcademyPress).National Research Council (2000) Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards (Wash<strong>in</strong>gton:National Academy Press).Niedderer, H., Aufschnaiter, S., Tiberghien, A., Buty, C., Haller, K., Hucke, L., Sander, F. e Fischer, H. (2002)Talk<strong>in</strong>g physics <strong>in</strong> labwork contexts – A category based analysis of videotapes. In D. Psillos e H. Niedderer(Eds) Teach<strong>in</strong>g and learn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the science laboratory (Dordrecht: Kluwer) 31-40.OCDE (2001) Programme for International Student Assessment (Paris: OCDE).Osborne, J. e Coll<strong>in</strong>s, S. (2001) Pupils’ views of the role and value of the science curriculum: a focus-groupstudy. International Journal of Science Education, 23(5), 441-467.Osborne, J., Coll<strong>in</strong>s, S., Ratcliffe, M., Millar, R. e Duschl, R. (2003) What ‘Ideas-about-science’ should betaught <strong>in</strong> school science? A Delphi study of the expert community. Journal of Research <strong>in</strong> Science Teach<strong>in</strong>g,40(7) 692-720.Osborne, J., Simon, S. e Coll<strong>in</strong>s, S. (2003) Attitudes towards science: a review of the literature and itsimplications. International Journal of Science Education, 25(9), 1049-1080.P<strong>in</strong>to, R. (2005) Introduc<strong>in</strong>g curriculum <strong>in</strong>novations <strong>in</strong> science: Identify<strong>in</strong>g teachers’ transformations andthe design of related teacher education. Science Education, 89(1) 1-12.Ramsden, J.M. (1998) Mission impossible: Can anyth<strong>in</strong>g be done about attitudes to science? InternationalJournal of Science Education, 20(2), 125-138.Ravanis, K. e Papamichael, Y. (1995) Procédures didactiques de déstabilisation du système dereprsentations spontanées des élèves pour la propagation de la lumière. Didaskalia, 7, 43-61.75

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