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CEASCAAFARCAIAEEsta<strong>do</strong> Civíl <strong>do</strong>s PaisTests of NormalityKolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-WilkStatistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.Juntos ,142 39 ,047 ,933 39 ,023Separa<strong>do</strong>s ,184 29 ,014 ,921 29 ,032Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai ,307 4 . ,729 4 ,024Morte da Mãe ,253 3 . ,964 3 ,637Juntos ,147 39 ,032 ,961 39 ,199Separa<strong>do</strong>s ,185 29 ,012 ,943 29 ,119Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai ,236 4 . ,940 4 ,653Morte da Mãe ,292 3 . ,923 3 ,463Juntos ,120 39 ,166 ,966 39 ,281Separa<strong>do</strong>s ,125 29 ,200 * ,950 29 ,180Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai ,283 4 . ,863 4 ,272Morte da Mãe ,385 3 . ,750 3 ,000Juntos ,110 39 ,200 * ,950 39 ,083Separa<strong>do</strong>s ,120 29 ,200 * ,927 29 ,045Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai ,292 4 . ,862 4 ,268Morte da Mãe ,343 3 . ,842 3 ,220Juntos ,207 39 ,000 ,922 39 ,010Separa<strong>do</strong>s ,172 29 ,028 ,939 29 ,093Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai ,234 4 . ,928 4 ,584Morte da Mãe ,253 3 . ,964 3 ,637Juntos ,140 39 ,052 ,917 39 ,007Separa<strong>do</strong>s ,160 29 ,056 ,931 29 ,057Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai ,307 4 . ,729 4 ,024Morte da Mãe ,175 3 . 1,000 3 1,000Juntos ,293 39 ,000 ,786 39 ,000Separa<strong>do</strong>s ,237 29 ,000 ,802 29 ,000Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai ,271 4 . ,848 4 ,220Morte da Mãe ,385 3 . ,750 3 ,000Juntos ,153 39 ,022 ,927 39 ,014Separa<strong>do</strong>s ,199 29 ,005 ,890 29 ,006Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai ,252 4 . ,916 4 ,513Morte da Mãe ,253 3 . ,964 3 ,637Juntos ,137 39 ,064 ,959 39 ,164Separa<strong>do</strong>s ,086 29 ,200 * ,961 29 ,343ACGMorte <strong>do</strong> Pai ,185 4 . ,981 4 ,910Morte da Mãe ,354 3 . ,821 3 ,165*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.a. Lilliefors Significance CorrectionCEASCAAFARCAIAEACGRanksEsta<strong>do</strong> Civíl <strong>do</strong>s Pais N Mean RankJuntos 41 38,34Separa<strong>do</strong>s 29 36,09Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai 4 67,50Morte da Mãe 3 38,17Total 77Juntos 41 36,77Separa<strong>do</strong>s 29 41,03Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai 4 32,25Morte da Mãe 3 58,83Total 77Juntos 41 36,46Separa<strong>do</strong>s 29 42,60Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai 4 34,13Morte da Mãe 3 45,33Total 77Juntos 40 37,14Separa<strong>do</strong>s 29 36,95Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai 4 51,50Morte da Mãe 3 54,33Total 76Juntos 41 40,04Separa<strong>do</strong>s 29 35,48Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai 4 49,00Morte da Mãe 3 45,50Total 77Juntos 41 39,76Separa<strong>do</strong>s 29 34,33Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai 4 61,75Morte da Mãe 3 43,50Total 77Juntos 40 39,98Separa<strong>do</strong>s 29 36,24Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai 4 36,50Morte da Mãe 3 43,33Total 76Juntos 41 39,26Separa<strong>do</strong>s 29 35,98Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai 4 55,50Morte da Mãe 3 42,67Total 77Juntos 41 38,34Separa<strong>do</strong>s 29 36,67Morte <strong>do</strong> Pai 4 50,75Morte da Mãe 3 54,83Total 77Test Statistics a,bCE AS CA AF AR C AI AE ACGChi-Square 7,109 3,405 1,725 3,241 1,882 5,647 ,754 2,815 2,958df 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3Asymp. Sig. ,068 ,333 ,631 ,356 ,597 ,130 ,861 ,421 ,398a. Kruskal Wallis Testb. Grouping Variable: Esta<strong>do</strong> Civíl <strong>do</strong>s PaisTest of Homogeneity of VariancesLevene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.AS ,394 3 73 ,758ACG ,487 3 73 ,693ASACGANOVASum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.Between Groups 1,589 3 ,530 1,078 ,364Within Groups 35,856 73 ,491Total 37,445 76Between Groups ,617 3 ,206 1,102 ,354Within Groups 13,621 73 ,187Total 14,238 7693

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