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sc<strong>as</strong>TSASPPAGAPrática de Exercício FísicoTests of NormalityKolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-WilkStatistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.Sedentarismo ,132 41 ,071 ,921 41 ,007Exercício Esporádico ,142 11 ,200 * ,941 11 ,537Exercício Modera<strong>do</strong> ,189 14 ,187 ,937 14 ,383Exercício Regular ,155 14 ,200 * ,934 14 ,347Sedentarismo ,213 41 ,000 ,871 41 ,000Exercício Esporádico ,184 11 ,200 * ,934 11 ,457Exercício Modera<strong>do</strong> ,170 14 ,200 * ,930 14 ,305Exercício Regular ,250 14 ,017 ,883 14 ,064Sedentarismo ,152 41 ,018 ,957 41 ,124Exercício Esporádico ,219 11 ,147 ,886 11 ,125Exercício Modera<strong>do</strong> ,278 14 ,005 ,850 14 ,022Exercício Regular ,159 14 ,200 * ,896 14 ,097Sedentarismo ,163 41 ,008 ,858 41 ,000Exercício Esporádico ,207 11 ,200 * ,900 11 ,183Exercício Modera<strong>do</strong> ,229 14 ,046 ,906 14 ,137Exercício Regular ,240 14 ,028 ,794 14 ,004Sedentarismo ,151 41 ,020 ,961 41 ,174Exercício Esporádico ,221 11 ,140 ,902 11 ,195Exercício Modera<strong>do</strong> ,196 14 ,149 ,941 14 ,425Exercício Regular ,182 14 ,200 * ,945 14 ,486*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.a. Lilliefors Significance Correctionsc<strong>as</strong>TSASPPAGARanksPrática de Exercício Físico N Mean RankSedentarismo 41 43,22Exercício Esporádico 11 40,18Exercício Modera<strong>do</strong> 14 38,36Exercício Regular 14 34,93Total 80Sedentarismo 41 42,06Exercício Esporádico 11 42,64Exercício Modera<strong>do</strong> 14 38,36Exercício Regular 14 36,39Total 80Sedentarismo 41 40,59Exercício Esporádico 11 43,55Exercício Modera<strong>do</strong> 14 36,18Exercício Regular 14 42,18Total 80Sedentarismo 41 42,32Exercício Esporádico 11 41,55Exercício Modera<strong>do</strong> 14 39,86Exercício Regular 14 35,00Total 80Sedentarismo 41 43,12Exercício Esporádico 11 35,32Exercício Modera<strong>do</strong> 14 40,68Exercício Regular 14 36,71Total 80Test Statistics a,bsc<strong>as</strong>T SA SP PA GAChi-Square 1,489 ,853 ,756 1,086 1,457df 3 3 3 3 3Asymp. Sig. ,685 ,837 ,860 ,780 ,692a. Kruskal Wallis Testb. Grouping Variable: Prática de Exercício FísicoTest of Homogeneity of VariancesAnsiedade GeneralizadaLevene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.,614 3 76 ,608Ansiedade GeneralizadaANOVASum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.Between Groups 13,399 3 4,466 ,372 ,774Within Groups 913,488 76 12,020Total 926,887 79SexoTotalFemininoM<strong>as</strong>culinoSexo * PercIC CrosstabulationPercICDiscrepânciaNegativaDiscrepânciaIdealDiscrepânciaPositivaTotalCount 10 22 32 64% within Sexo 15,6% 34,4% 50,0% 100,0%% within PercIC 52,6% 88,0% 88,9% 80,0%% of Total 12,5% 27,5% 40,0% 80,0%Count 9 3 4 16% within Sexo 56,2% 18,8% 25,0% 100,0%% within PercIC 47,4% 12,0% 11,1% 20,0%% of Total 11,2% 3,8% 5,0% 20,0%Count 19 25 36 80% within Sexo 23,8% 31,2% 45,0% 100,0%% within PercIC 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%% of Total 23,8% 31,2% 45,0% 100,0%Chi-Square TestsValue df Asymp. Sig.(2-sided)Pearson Chi-Square 11,673 a 2 ,003Likelihood Ratio 10,315 2 ,006Linear-by-Linear Association 8,475 1 ,004N of Valid C<strong>as</strong>es 80a. 1 cells (16,7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimumexpected count is 3,80.97

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