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[103] W. Stallings: Handbook of Computer Communication Standards; Volume 2 Local Network<br />

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[111] C. Topolcic: RFC 1190: Internet Stream Protocol Version 2 (ST-II) 1990.<br />

[112] Verilog: ObjectGEODE SDL Simulator - Reference Manual; http:\\www.verilogusa.com.<br />

[113] M. Walch: Evaluating Parallel Processing of Communication Protocols; Oldenbourg<br />

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[114] C. Wohlin: Performance analysis of SDL systems from SDL descriptions in: O. Faergemand<br />

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[115] R. Wolff: Stochastic Modeling and the Theory of Queues. Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1989.<br />

[116] M. Zitterbart: Flexible und effiziente Kommunikationssysteme für Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetze.<br />

International Thomson Publishing, Bonn 1995.<br />


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