28.05.2021 Aufrufe

CHECK Berlin / Brandenburg #5

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“Syphilis“... Upon hearing the name, you quickly think of medieval cities with catastrophic<br />

sanitary conditions, cheap Victorian brothels in seedy harbor districts and wild<br />

debauched courtly merrymaking.<br />

This disease evokes a mixture of wicked horror<br />

from these pre-hygienic conditions and the<br />

secret wish to have been at such feasts. It<br />

has even been immortalized in famous works<br />

of art and literature. Once it was even said<br />

that syphilis increased libido and expanded<br />

consciousness.<br />

It was the disease of the aristocracy, the<br />

geniuses and the madmen, the artists and<br />

thinkers of bygone days, in times lacking<br />

knowledge of medical contexts and without<br />

today‘s moral concepts. A disease carried by<br />

unbridled lust.<br />

Do you see yourself stumbling into the next<br />

tavern with a mighty thirst after a long year at<br />

sea? Or stumbling down the steps with a powdered<br />

wig wrapped in brocades...? Maybe not<br />

quite, but syphilis is sure making a comeback.<br />


Syphilis is a highly contagious infectious<br />

disease transmitted by bacteria, the effects<br />

of which range from painful ulcers to organ<br />

damage and the destruction of the central<br />

nervous system.<br />

Also known as lues venerea (disaster of lust<br />

for love) or Schaudinn‘s disease, in most cases<br />

the disease is transmitted through contact<br />

with the mucous membrane during unprotected<br />

sexual intercourse. Thus, syphilis is a<br />

sexually transmitted disease (STD). A group of<br />

diseases that is currently making an unfortunately<br />

little noticed but very successful<br />

comeback. In the case of an infection, one<br />

must notify the health department, but this<br />

is registered anonymously. And there is no<br />

evidence of increased libido or consciousness.<br />

The development of powerful antibiotics, such<br />

as penicillin, was able to curb the spread of<br />

many diseases in the 20th century. Some even<br />

disappeared almost completely in the western<br />

world, such as the plague, cholera, leprosy,<br />

typhus or tuberculosis.<br />

Since the 1990s, many of them, including<br />

syphilis, have been on the rise again. And<br />

infections have even risen sharply in industrialized<br />

nations since the 2010s.<br />

According to figures from the now well-known<br />

Robert Koch Institute, the reported cases rose<br />

from 2742 in 2009 to 7889 in 2019. Quite impressive<br />

for an „extinct“ disease.<br />

Anyone who hears the name „syphilis“ should<br />

not think of the old Giacomo Casanova, but of<br />

their last sexual contacts.<br />



Treponema pallidum, the bacterium responsible<br />

for syphilis, is only transmitted from<br />

person to person and can only survive outside<br />

92 <strong>CHECK</strong> BERLIN/BRANDENBURG <strong>#5</strong>

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