09.02.2013 Aufrufe

mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche fakultät - koost - Universität zu ...

mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche fakultät - koost - Universität zu ...

mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche fakultät - koost - Universität zu ...


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<strong>Universität</strong> <strong>zu</strong> Köln Vorlesungsverzeichnis (generiert, vorläufig) Wintersemester 2011/12<br />

10.10.2011 - 14.11.2011, Block A . A n t e b i<br />

T . H o p p e<br />

C . N i e s s e n<br />

B . S c h u m a c h e r<br />

A . T r i f u n o v i c<br />

M . U h l i r o v a<br />

Beginn: 1. Semesterhälfte (ab 10.10.2011)<br />

Ort: In den Praktikumsräumen der Genetik<br />

68030 MN-B-Gen 7 Immunologie<br />

Vorlesung/Übung<br />

k.A., n. Vereinb J . H o w a r d<br />

Beginn: 2. Semesterhälfte (ab 5.12.2011)<br />

Ort: Raum 0.34 (Computerpool)<br />

68025 MN-B-Neuro 5 Functional Imaging - Mechanistic Bases of Neurovascular Coupling<br />

17 SWS; Blockveranstaltung; Max. Teilnehmer: 6<br />

5.12.2011 - 27.1.2012 9 - 18, Block H . E n d e p o l s<br />

Master students in Biological Sciences only<br />

68031 MN-B-BC1: Medical Biochemistry - Enzymes, Metabolites and Diseases<br />

Blockveranstaltung<br />

68032 MN-B-BC2: Structural Biology - Structural Biochemistry<br />

Blockveranstaltung<br />

68033 MN-B-Cell 1: Protein Trafficking in the Endomembrane System<br />

15 SWS; Vorlesung/Übung; Max. Teilnehmer: 8<br />

Introduction to the module: Room 4.004 (Biocenter) 10/10/ 10 h<br />

The students will be introduced into the principles of protein trafficking in eukaryotic cells. They will acquire<br />

state of the art knowledge about the major trafficking pathways, molecular factors of intracellular sorting<br />

machineries and their interplay with membrane lipids and the cytoskeleton. Further, we communicate the<br />

complex regulation within individual pathways and the molecular basis of trafficking related diseases. In the<br />

practical part the students will apply up to date methodology of cell-biology, biochemistry and biophysics.<br />

They will experience why it is useful to tackle a scientific problem by using a diversity of approaches.<br />

After this module, students will have the competence to plan, carry out, evaluate and critically discuss<br />

experiments. In addition, they get further training in their abilities to communicate their results in oral<br />

presentations and in manuscript-like reports.<br />

(i) Alberts, B., Bray, D., Lewis, J. (2008) Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5 th edition, Taylor & Francis.<br />

(ii) Lodish, H., Berk, A., Kaiser, C.A. et al. (2007) Molecular Cell Biology. 6 th edition, Palgrave Macmillan<br />

- More recent literature will be provided at the beginning of the module.<br />

P r o j e k t m o d u l e M a s t e r s t u d i e n g a n g<br />

B i o l o g i c a l S c i e n c e s<br />

Projektmodule und Laborpraktika: siehe Ankündigungen der Institute: Botanik, Zoologie , Entwicklungsbiologie, Genetik und Institut für<br />

Biochemie.<br />

68121 Anleitungen <strong>zu</strong> wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, <strong>zu</strong> Laborpraktika und <strong>zu</strong><br />

Projektmodulen (Biochemie)<br />

Praktikum<br />

68122 Anleitungen <strong>zu</strong> wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, <strong>zu</strong> Laborpraktika und <strong>zu</strong><br />

Projektmodulen (Botanik)<br />

Praktikum<br />

68123 Anleitungen <strong>zu</strong> wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, <strong>zu</strong> Laborpraktika und <strong>zu</strong><br />

Projektmodulen (Entwicklungsbiologie)<br />

Seite 218

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