Alpha Dawn - Star Frontiersman

Alpha Dawn - Star Frontiersman

Alpha Dawn - Star Frontiersman


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again after 1 d10 turns. However, its acceleration<br />

and turn speed are reduced by 20 meters/turn.<br />

Injury to Passengers. When a vehicle crashes,<br />

divide its speed in meters/turn by 20, rounding<br />

fractions down. The result is the number of d10 that<br />

are rolled to determine how many points of damage<br />

each character takes. Add 2 points to each die result<br />

if the character was riding a ground or hover cycle,<br />

and subtract 2 from each die if the character was<br />

riding in an Explorer (no die roll can be modified<br />

below 0). This information is summarized on the<br />

table below.<br />


Collision Details Damage<br />

Per 20 meters/turn of vehicle's speed 1d10<br />

Riding on ground cycle or hover cycle +2/d10<br />

Riding in Explorer -2/d10<br />

ARMOR. Skeinsuits and inertia screens will absorb<br />

half of the damage a character suffers in a crash.<br />

Crashing Through Obstacles. If characters try to<br />

drive through a barricade or obstacle, the referee<br />

must use his discretion to decide how badly the<br />

vehicle is damaged, whether it keeps running, and<br />

whether the passengers are hurt. A vehicle may be<br />

able to smash through obstacles that are less solid<br />

than concrete posts or parked vehicles.<br />


This combat section covers only personal weapons<br />

fired from or at vehicles. Vehicle-mounted weapons<br />

are not covered in this set of rules.<br />

Firing From Vehicles<br />

A character who fires a weapon from a moving<br />

vehicle has a -10 modifier to hit. If the vehicle is<br />

moving faster than 150 meters/turn, the modifier is<br />

-20.<br />

Shooting At Passengers<br />

A character can shoot at a passenger inside a<br />

vehicle. There is a -20 modifier because the<br />

passenger has hard cover, and a -10 modifier if the<br />

vehicle is moving. Needlers can injure passengers<br />

only if the vehicle's windows or top are open.<br />

Firing At Vehicles<br />

If a character fires a weapon at a moving vehicle, he<br />

has a -10 modifier to hit. This modifier does not<br />

apply if the vehicle is moving directly toward or<br />

directly away from the firing character. Needlers and<br />

gas grenades have no effect on vehicles.<br />

Damaging Vehicles.<br />

Whenever a vehicle is hit by gunfire, an exploding<br />

grenade or a thrown explosive, the attacking<br />

character must roll 2d10 on the Vehicle Damage<br />

Table. The number of dice of damage caused by the<br />

attack is added to the result. This number is<br />

modified by the type of vehicle. A separate roll is<br />

made for each successful attack.<br />


# Dice<br />

Damage +<br />

2d10 Roll Damage to Vehicles<br />

2-19 No effect<br />

20 Turn Speed -15<br />

21 Acceleration -20<br />

22 Top Speed -30<br />

23 Steering Jammed Straight<br />

24 Steering Jammed Left<br />

25 Steering Jammed Right<br />

26 Speed -20 per Turn<br />

27 Spin<br />

28 Vehicle Burning<br />

29 Roll<br />

30+ Roll and Burn<br />

Modifiers<br />

Target is ground or hover cycle +2<br />

Target is Explorer -2<br />

Explanation of Results<br />


SPEED -30. The vehicle's turn speed, acceleration<br />

or top speed is reduced by the indicated number of<br />

meters/turn.<br />


The vehicle's steering mechanism has been jammed.<br />

If straight, the vehicle can not turn. If right or left,<br />

the vehicle must turn 45 degrees in the indicated<br />

direction after each 20 meters of travel. For<br />

example, a skimmer traveling at 80 meters/turn<br />

with its controls jammed in a right turn must turn<br />

45 degrees to the right after/raveling 20, 40, 60and<br />

80 meters during its next move. The skimmer can<br />

decelerate or accelerate, but can not change its<br />

direction.<br />

SPEED -20/TURN. The vehicle must reduce its<br />

speed at least 20 meters/turn until it is stopped. It<br />

can decelerate more than this if the driver wants,<br />

but it can not accelerate. SPIN. See Control Table<br />

results.<br />

VEHICLE BURNING. The vehicle has caught fire.<br />

Each passenger will suffer 1d10 points of damage at<br />

the start of every turn they are in the vehicle.<br />

ROLL. See Control Table results.<br />

ROLL AND BURN. See Control Table results.<br />


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