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Page 93 of 215<br />

Ghaemiyeh center of computerized researches www.Ghaemiyeh.com<br />

ABU TALIB The faithful of Quraysh<br />

country they were or abroad; in the west or in the east and loved them more than their<br />

fellow people. They exceeded in committing crimes and treason to achieve their private<br />

interests, which were, in fact, the interests of the enemy of their religion. They sacrificed<br />

their citizens and presented their nation as delicious bite to the odious colonist. Such<br />

people, at last, would never get save bad rewards for the sins they committed. Hence the<br />

ties of the umma split and the unity crumbled. The fire of disagreement crept into<br />

everything like the flame when breaking out in the dry firewood. Lets go back to our<br />

subject of the verses mentioned above. Was it possible for the Prophet of Islam to be kind<br />

and merciful to a polytheist unbeliever just because that polytheist was his relative and to<br />

deny all those verses that were revealed to him by the Heaven? Would he accept to be<br />

defended by a polytheist unbeliever whereas he himself had said: O <strong>All</strong>ah! Dont make<br />

a dissolute or an unbeliever have a chance of getting my kindness!? The truth was<br />

that this man, who assisted, supported and did the Prophet (s) favors, and then the<br />

Prophet (s) had to be grateful to him and had to love him and to praise him often and<br />

oftenthis truth would contradict the meanings of these verses, which were full of<br />

threat, severity, warning and wrath. This wouldnt be justified unless we said-<strong>All</strong>ah<br />

forbid!-that the Prophet (s) didnt pay any attention to the orders of his God that were<br />

revealed to him and that he indifferently contradicted the principles of the holy Quran! We<br />

would say so to justify the saying of the fabricators that Abu Talib was unbeliever after it<br />

had been proved that he had assisted and protected the Prophet (s) and his mission so<br />

firmly and bravely. Since no one could dare to say this, so one would be obliged to confess<br />

that Abu Talib was a faithful after it was proved without any doubt that the Prophet (s)<br />

had often prayed for him, praised him and glorified him whenever mentioning him. <strong>All</strong><br />

that, away from the great deeds Abu Talib had done and the acknowledgment he had left<br />

on the page of the existence, made the light of Abu Talibs faith shine with the rays of<br />

.certainty<br />

(The Sayings of Imam Ali (s<br />

part 1<br />

When we move to the sayings of Imam Ali (s) about his father, we will find many<br />

evidences confirming the true faith of his father to confute all the fabricated lies about his<br />

unfaithfulness. When his father closed his eyes and his soul went high to the better world,

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