Pvn H,i I'UitlS

Pvn H,i I'UitlS

Pvn H,i I'UitlS


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orifices :<br />

of the body :<br />

ISOCARDIA. 299<br />

gills free, concealed between the mantle and the rest<br />

foot very muscular, orangecolour.<br />

Shell almost spherical, solid when adult, of a dull hue :<br />

sculpture, faint concentric striae, with occasional deeper lines<br />

of growth : colour yellowish-white, variegated in the young by<br />

zigzag streaks of reddish-brown : epidermis chestnutcolour,<br />

rather thick, covered with extremely numerous rows of very<br />

short fine bristles, which are of a darker colour, and radiate<br />

from the beak to the margins, except on the upper part of the<br />

anterior side where the cilia are wanting : man/ins curved in<br />

front, sloping upwards on the anterior side to a blunt angle<br />

formed by its junction with the dorsal margin, obliquely<br />

truncate at the posterior side, which is indistinctly sinuous ;<br />

dorsal margin projecting : beaks excentric, gracefully recurved<br />

and making an incomplete whorl : lunule forming a broad ex-<br />

cavation below the beaks, and enlarging rapidly during the<br />

progress of growth : ligament strong and raised, dark reddish -<br />

brown, following the bend of the posterior dorsal margin :<br />

hinge-line curved: hinge-plate thick and broad, reflected outwards,<br />

occupying rather more than one-third of the circum-<br />

ference : teeth, in the right valve two cardinals, the outer of<br />

which is laminar and nearly parallel to the hinge-line, and the<br />

inner is shorter, very much thicker, and cloven obliquely;<br />

between the latter tooth and the iuside of the shell is a deep<br />

socket for the reception of a similar tooth in the opposite<br />

valve ; lateral tooth short and triangular ; the left valve has<br />

two cardinals corresponding with those in the other valve,<br />

except that the outer one is cloven obliquely, and the socket<br />

the lateral tooth<br />

is placed on the inside of the thicker tooth ;<br />

in this valve is longer than that in the right valve, but not so<br />

high: inside chalky, with sometimes a faint tinge of fleshcolour,<br />

irregularly furrowed lengthwise, apparently in con-<br />

sequence of an unequal secretion by the mantle : pallial scar<br />

broad and shining : muscular scars rather large, that on the<br />

anterior side being remarkably deep. L. 4. B. 3-8.<br />

Habitat : Muddy<br />

ground<br />

in 4-40 fathoms on the<br />

coasts of Devon and Cornwall, east and south of Ireland,<br />

and west of Scotland. Laskey<br />

is said to have taken it<br />

off St. Abb's Head. It is not generally distributed,,<br />

although tolerably plentiful in certain places. Searles<br />

Wood has recorded it as a fossil of the Red and Coral-

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