Pvn H,i I'UitlS

Pvn H,i I'UitlS

Pvn H,i I'UitlS


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352 veneridjE.<br />

circled with reddish-brown spots, the surface of the tubes<br />

being frequently marked in the same way. Loven considers<br />

it the V. literata of the '<br />

Fauna Suecica/ but not<br />

of the '<br />

System a Naturae/ Gmelin and Lamarck made<br />

each three species out of the present. It is the V. ne-<br />

bulosa of Solander and Pulteney, and Capsa deflorata of<br />

Leach.<br />

2. T. virgi'neus *, Linne.<br />

Venus virginea, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1136 (according to modern authors).<br />

Tapes virginea, F. & H. i. p. 388, pi. xxv. f. 4, 6.<br />

Body pale yellowish-white or cream-colour : mantle having<br />

its edges dentate on the anterior side, sinuous in front, and<br />

scalloped on the posterior side, with a few short yellow filaments<br />

at each end: tubes united for three-fourths of their<br />

length, and separate for the other fourth towards their ex-<br />

tremities ;<br />

dish-brown at the bifurcation, and often tipped with purple ;<br />

their colour is delicate pale lemon, tinged with red-<br />

they are of the same size ; the incurrent tube has its orifice<br />

truncate, and fringed with 14 pointed cirri, which are alter-<br />

nately large and small, the former being marked at then bases<br />

on each side with a patch of bistre, and the latter being white ;<br />

the excurrent tube curls upwards as in other species, and, in<br />

consequence of its outer edges being a little inflected, does not<br />

this tube has 16 short white cirri at the ori-<br />

appear truncate ;<br />

fice, which is encircled by a fine reddish-brown line ; the tubes<br />

when extended do not measure more than half the breadth of<br />

the shell :<br />

gills nearly circular, pale drab, hung very obliquely ;<br />

the under pair are at least double the size of the upper, and<br />

are strongly marked across by the vessels of circulation : palps<br />

subtriangular, short, and distinctly striated: liver apparently<br />

small and : pale green foot thick and fleshy, not much bent, but.<br />

flexible and capable of being attenuated to a fine point ;<br />

no byssal groove.<br />

it has<br />

Shell rhomboid-oblong, moderately convex, solid and<br />

flattened ribs as<br />

opaque, polished and rather glossy : sculpture,<br />

in the last species, but they are less regular and often wanting<br />

on the umbonal area and consequently in young specimens ;<br />

there are occasionally a few obscure longitudinal lines, and<br />

* Virgin.

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