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Anales galdosianos [Publicaciones periódicas]. Año XII, 1977<br />

wanted: Tristana's complete enslavement, her total physical and emotional dependence on him. Don<br />

Lope's very real mental anguish over her health, his frantic efforts to cure her, in spite of whatever<br />

latent guilt feelings may be present, are designed primarily to make Tristana feel eternally grateful, to<br />

make her morally indebted to him forever. One can only wonder, then, if Don Lope, too, should not be<br />

seen as the incarnation of a part of Tristana herself, an incarnation of her own inertia, self-doubt and<br />

lack of will, her inability to realize her «sacred conviction», the same inertia which manifests itself<br />

physically as her incapacitating illness? In the inner drama taking place in Tristana's psyche, is Don<br />

Lope the negative animus which takes revenge on the Ghostly Lover which was leading her toward<br />

realization of her self, by leading her back, through loss of ego, to unconsciousness? 177<br />

This inner unconscious drama precedes, and indeed, foreshadows the resolution of the external<br />

drama, the fateful encounter with Horacio in which Tristana must ultimately come to terms with<br />

the Ghostly Lover. Tristana intuitively anticipates what the result of this encounter will be. She<br />

is profoundly upset by the news of Horacio's re-appearance on the scene, first trying to deny its<br />

possibility (« abrigaba en su interior cierta desconfianza de la realidad de aquel suceso ») (p. 1604),<br />

then vainly struggling to avoid it. « Al propio tiempo », explains the narrator, « el deseo puramente<br />

humano y egoísta de ver al ser querido, de oírle, luchaba en su alma con aquel desenfundado idealismo,<br />

en virtud del cual, más bien que buscar la aproximación, tendía, sin darse cuenta de ello, a evitarla.<br />

La distancia venía a ser como una voluptuosidad de aquel amor sutil, que pugnaba por desprenderse<br />

de toda influencia de los sentidos ». (p. 1604)<br />

The moment of desengaño is inevitable. As Horacio enters her room, he appears a stranger to<br />

her. She cannot recognize him. His voice is totally foreign to her. The narrator explains: « En los<br />

primeros momentos sintió Tristana una desilusión brusca. Aquel hombre no era el mismo que, borrado<br />

de su memoria por la distancia, habíala ella reconstruido laboriosamente con su facultad creadora<br />

177 M.-L. von Franz explains that in this negative form, «the animus personifies all those semi-<br />

conscious, cold, destructive reflections that invade a woman in the small hours, especially when she<br />

has failed to realize some obligations of feeling... A strange passivity and paralysis of all feeling,<br />

or a deep insecurity that can lead almost to a sense of nullity, may sometimes be the result of an<br />

unconscious animus opinion. In the depths of the woman's being, the animus whispers: 'You are<br />

hopeless. What's the use of trying? There is no point in doing anything. Life will never change for<br />

the better.'» op. cit. , p. 191.<br />


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