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Anales galdosianos [Publicaciones periódicas]. Año XII, 1977<br />

general economic depression, stemming from the end of the fiebre de oro in 1886, which received<br />

its sharpest manifestations in the crises of 1892 and 1898 220 . And if things were bad economically,<br />

they were no better politically; the turno pacífico disintegrated after 1890 and the outbreak of a new<br />

núcleos proletarios de toda España estaban inquietos y dispuestos a la acción. De manera particular,<br />

la cuestión de la Internacional obrera preocupaba, en gran manera, a todos los sectores acomodados<br />

del país, hasta tal punto que, en momentos decisivos, el fantasma de la Internacional acabaría de<br />

decidir a los empresarios y demás núcleos burgueses afines a renunciar a una parte (y la culminación)<br />

de sus vocaciones de clase -la plena conquista del Poder-, para buscar una serie de seguridades<br />

que consiguieran conjurar el hipotético peligro de ser barridos por la organización revolucionaria<br />

de obreros y campesinos » (p. 126). Peter B. Goldman («Historical Perspective and Political Bias:<br />

Comments on Recent <strong>Galdós</strong> Criticism» AG , 6 [1970], 113-124) observes that the working class<br />

was not yet strong enough to carry out its own revolution: The social revolution of 1936-1937 in<br />

Republican Spain was clearly impossible in Spain during the thirty years following the Revolution<br />

of 1868. Juan Díaz del Moral has reviewed the growth and disintegration of the workers' movement<br />

during the years 1874-1900. He observed that the socialists, who along with the anarchists comprised<br />

by 1936, the vast majority of the workers, did not become even a semblance of an organized group until<br />

1878 when the Socialist Party was secretly founded. In 1888 the socialist-affiliated U.G.T. (Unión<br />

General de Trabajadores) was established. Nevertheless, until 1898 the Socialist Party was unable<br />

to get off the ground as a leading organization of workers. And until 1910, no candidate from the<br />

Socialist Party was elected to the Cortes. On the other hand, the anarchist movement, outlawed in<br />

January, 1874, and suppressed until 1881, flourished during 1881-1882. But this movement began to<br />

break apart after 1882; its disintegration was almost complete by 1888. (p. 114)<br />

220 Jaime Vicens Vives ( Manual de la historia económica de España [Barcelona: Editorial Vicens<br />

Vives, 1967]) observes: « Durante diez años el Estado de la Restauración ha vivido un milagro<br />

económico: un movimiento coyuntural alcista en medio de una depresión general. Cuando ésta cesa,<br />

aquél se desploma. Ello acaece en 1892. En esta fecha se desata una notable crisis, provocada por el<br />

derrumbamiento del mercado exterior del vino y del hierro » and « Respondiendo a las fluctuaciones<br />

de la economía y del signo monetario, la Bolsa conoce una profunda crisis en 1898. La flexión de<br />

las curvas es el signo del malhumor de la burguesía, que ve frustradas sus esperanzas de terminar su<br />

centuria en paz, orden y prosperidad » (p. 675).<br />


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