DOE/ORO/2327 Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental ...

DOE/ORO/2327 Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental ...

DOE/ORO/2327 Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental ...


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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> Report<br />

ORR, including ORNL. The EMWMF is an engineered landfill that accepts low-level radioactive,<br />

hazardous, asbestos, and PCB wastes and combinations of the aforementioned wastes in accordance with<br />

specific waste acceptance criteria under an agreement with state and federal regulators.<br /> ORNL RCRA-CERCLA Coordination<br />

The ORR Federal Facility Agreement is intended to coordinate the corrective action processes of<br />

RCRA required under the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments permit with CERCLA response<br />

actions. <strong>Annual</strong> updates for 2009 for ORNL’s Solid Waste Management Units and Areas of Concern were<br />

consolidated with updates for ETTP, Y-12, and the ORR and were reported to TDEC, <strong>DOE</strong>, and EPA<br />

Region 4 in January 2010.<br />

In May 2005 ORNL applied for, but has not yet received, a RCRA postclosure permit for SWSA 6.<br />

RCRA groundwater monitoring data is reported yearly to TDEC and EPA in the annual CERCLA<br />

Remediation Effectiveness Report (<strong>DOE</strong> 2010) for the ORR.<br />

Periodic updates of proposed construction and demolition activities and facilities at ORNL have been<br />

provided to managers and project personnel from the TDEC <strong>DOE</strong> Oversight Division and EPA Region 4.<br />

A CERCLA screening process is used to identify proposed construction and demolition projects and<br />

facilities that warrant CERCLA oversight. The goal is to ensure that modernization efforts do not impact<br />

the effectiveness of previously completed CERCLA environmental remedial actions and do not adversely<br />

impact future CERCLA environmental remedial actions.<br />

5.3.8 Toxic Substances Control Act Compliance Status<br />

PCB waste generation, transportation, and storage at ORNL are regulated under the EPA ID number<br />

TN1890090003. In 2009, UT-Battelle operated approximately 11 PCB waste storage areas in generator<br />

buildings and RCRA-permitted storage buildings at ORNL for longer-term storage of PCB/radioactive<br />

wastes when necessary. Two PCB waste storage areas were operated at UT-Battelle facilities at Y-12.<br />

The continued use of authorized PCBs in electrical systems and/or equipment (e.g., transformers,<br />

capacitors, rectifiers) is regulated at ORNL. The majority of equipment at ORNL that required regulation<br />

under the Toxic Substances Control Act has been disposed of. However, some of the ORNL facilities at<br />

Y-12 continue to use (or store for future reuse) PCB equipment (such as transformers, capacitors, and<br />

rectifiers).<br />

Because of the age of many of the ORNL facilities and the varied uses for PCBs in gaskets, grease,<br />

building construction, and equipment, <strong>DOE</strong> self-disclosed unauthorized use of PCBs to EPA in the late<br />

1980s. As a result, <strong>DOE</strong> and ORNL contractors negotiated a compliance agreement with EPA (see<br />

Table 2.1) to address the compliance issues related to these unauthorized uses and to allow for continued<br />

use pending decontamination or disposal. As a result of that agreement, <strong>DOE</strong> continues to notify EPA<br />

when additional unauthorized uses of PCBs, such as PCBs in paint, adhesives, electrical wiring, or floor<br />

tile, are found at ORNL. In 2009, there were no discoveries of unauthorized uses of PCBs.<br />

5.3.9 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Compliance<br />

Status<br />

The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and Title III of SARA<br />

require that facilities report inventories and releases of certain chemicals that exceed specific release<br />

thresholds. The reports are submitted to the local emergency planning committee and the state emergency<br />

response commission. Table 5.9 describes the main elements of the act. UT-Battelle complied with these<br />

requirements in 2009 through the submittal of reports under EPCRA Sections 302, 303, 311, and 312.<br />

ORNL had no releases of extremely hazardous substances, as defined by EPCRA, in 2009.<br />

<strong>Oak</strong> <strong>Ridge</strong> National Laboratory 5-27

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