DOE/ORO/2327 Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental ...

DOE/ORO/2327 Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental ...

DOE/ORO/2327 Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental ...


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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> Report<br />

Because of the age of many of the ETTP facilities and the varied uses for PCBs in gaskets, grease,<br />

building materials and equipment, <strong>DOE</strong> self-disclosed unauthorized use of PCBs to EPA in the late<br />

1980s. As a result the <strong>DOE</strong> <strong>Oak</strong> <strong>Ridge</strong> Office and the EPA Region 4 consummated a major compliance<br />

agreement known as the <strong>Oak</strong> <strong>Ridge</strong> <strong>Reservation</strong> Polychlorinated Biphenyl Federal Facilities Compliance<br />

Agreement which became effective on December 16, 1996. The agreement specifically addresses the<br />

unauthorized use of PCBs in ventilation ducts and gaskets, lubricants, hydraulic systems, heat transfer<br />

systems, and other unauthorized uses; storage for disposal; disposal; cleanup and/or decontamination of<br />

PCBs and PCB items including PCBs mixed with radioactive materials; and records and reporting<br />

requirements at the ORR. A major focus of the agreement is the disposal of PCB waste. As a result of that<br />

agreement, <strong>DOE</strong> and BJC continue to notify EPA when additional unauthorized uses of PCBs, such as<br />

PCBs in paint, adhesives, electrical wiring, or floor tile are identified at the ETTP.<br />

ETTP is home to the TSCA Incinerator. On December 2, 2009, the TSCA Incinerator ceased<br />

operations as a waste incinerator and shifted into a facility closure and decommissioning mode.<br />

3.3.12 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Compliance Status<br />

The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and Title III of SARA<br />

require that facilities report inventories and releases of certain chemicals that exceed specific release<br />

thresholds. The reports are submitted to the local emergency planning committee and the state emergency<br />

response commission. ETTP complied with these requirements in 2009 through the submittal of reports<br />

under EPCRA Sections 302, 303, 311, and 312.<br />

ETTP had no releases of extremely hazardous substances, as defined by EPCRA, in 2009.<br /> Material Safety Data Sheet/Chemical Inventory (Sects. 312)<br />

Inventories, locations, and associated hazards of hazardous and extremely hazardous chemicals were<br />

submitted in an annual report to state and local emergency responders as required by the Sect. 312<br />

requirements. Of the chemicals identified for CY 2009 on the ORR, eleven were located at ETTP.<br />

Private-sector lessees associated with the reindustrialization effort were not included in the 2009<br />

submittals. Under the terms of their lease, lessees must evaluate their own inventories of hazardous and<br />

extremely hazardous chemicals and must submit information as required by the regulations.<br /> Toxic Chemical Release Reporting (Sect. 313)<br />

<strong>DOE</strong> submits annual toxic release inventory reports to EPA and TDEC on or before July 1 of each<br />

year. The reports cover the previous calendar year and address releases of certain toxic chemicals to air,<br />

water, and land as well as waste management, recycling, and pollution prevention activities. Threshold<br />

determinations and reports for each of the ORR facilities are made separately. Operations involving toxic<br />

release inventory chemicals were compared with regulatory thresholds to determine which chemicals<br />

exceeded the reporting thresholds based on amounts manufactured, processed, or otherwise used at each<br />

facility. After threshold determinations were made, releases and off-site transfers were calculated for each<br />

chemical that exceeded one or more of the thresholds.<br />

3.4 Air Quality Program<br />

The U.S. <strong>Environmental</strong> Protection Agency (EPA) Mandatory Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting<br />

Rule was enacted September 30, 2009 under 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 98.2. According<br />

to the EPA rule, in general, the emissions threshold for reporting requirement is 25,000 metric tons or<br />

more of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per year. A review was performed of ETTP processes and<br />

equipment categorically identified under 40 CFR 98.2 whose emissions must be included as part of a<br />

facility annual GHG report starting with the calendar year 2010 reporting period. On December 2, 2009,<br />

the K-1435 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Incinerator (Fig. 3.4) ceased operations as a waste<br />

incinerator and shifted into a Facility Closure and decommissioning mode. Based on projected GHG<br />

East Tennessee Technology Park 3-15

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