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Egocentric bias has been identified as a vital antecedent for the LMX agreement<br />

(Harris & Schaubroeck, 1988) and is explained by attribution theory. According to<br />

attribution theory, organisation members tend to attribute good performance to their<br />

own behaviour and blame environmental factors for their failures. Observers do it the<br />

other way around, leading to different performance ratings and perceptions of the<br />

LMX (Zhou & Schriesheim, 2009). Harris and Schaubroeck (1988) state that if this<br />

sense of attribution is streamlined and a more accurate method of analysing the<br />

relationship dyad is established, then better agreements can be expected.<br />

2.5.2 Consequences of LMX Agreement<br />

Analysing one dimension of the LMX construct may advance to considerably<br />

unfavourable results (Cogliser et al., 2009). There is a possibility of subordinates<br />

analysing the relationship more favourably than supervisors. For example, this process<br />

may be habituated by the subordinates to impress or favour supervisors, or to garner<br />

favourable returns from supervisors such as recommendations to senior management.<br />

This might result in subordinates being overconfident, leading to negative<br />

consequences for both the organisation and the subordinates (Cogliser et al., 1999). For<br />

example, these subordinates may not attend to training sessions or might tend to take<br />

up their work reluctantly (Atwater & Yammarino, 1997).<br />

On the contrary, subordinates who assume their relationship to be less favourable than<br />

that perceived by their respective supervisors may experience work anxiety, leading to<br />

increased levels of employee turnover and reduced employee performance and<br />

organisational commitment (Van Breukelen, Konst, & Van Der Vlist, 2002).<br />


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