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Last Law-bearing Prophet sa 87<br />

Was Hazrat ‘Īsā as a Law-Bearing Prophet?<br />

Before refuting the argument of Farhan Khan, it must be<br />

stated that it was quite surprising to read such a ridiculous<br />

argument presented by him. If not for the sake of the reader’s<br />

benefit, we would have ignored this pathetic argument<br />

altogether. Here is how this absurd argument is refuted in the<br />

five-volume commentary of the Holy Qur’ān published by the<br />

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamā‘at, under the verse under discussion<br />

[Sūrah Āle ‘Imrān, 3:51]:<br />

Jesus came in fulfillment of the prophecies of the<br />

previous prophets contained in the Torah. But he<br />

brought no new Law, being a follower of Moses in<br />

this respect. He himself was conscious of this<br />

limitation of his authority. Says he: “Think not that I<br />

am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not<br />

come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto<br />

you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one<br />

tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be<br />

fulfilled” (Matt. 5:17, 18). The expression, to allow you<br />

some of that which was forbidden to you, does not,<br />

therefore, refer to any change or modification in the<br />

Mosaic Law. The reference is only to those things<br />

which the Jews had themselves rendered unlawful<br />

for themselves. Elsewhere the Qur’ān says, so because<br />

of the transgression of the Jews, We forbade them pure<br />

things which had been allowed to them (4:161). Again,<br />

Truly I am come to you with wisdom and to make clear to<br />

you some of that about which you differ (43:64). These<br />

verses show that there were differences among the<br />

various sects of the Jews regarding the lawfulness or

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