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92 With Love to Muhammad sa the Khātam-un-Nabiyyīn<br />

Hadīth Number 1 – The Thirty Liars<br />

الaرولaااللهaaااللهaہaوaمaاہaونaaاتaذابونa<br />

ثثونaمaزمaأہaبa،وaااaخاتمaابنaلاaبaبدی<br />

Ibn Mardawī narrated that Thawbān, may Allāh be pleased<br />

with him, said, “The Messenger of Allāh, may Allāh bless him<br />

and give him peace, said that there will be in my nation thirty<br />

arch-liars, each of them claims that he is a prophet, and I am the<br />

Seal of the Prophets; there is no prophet after me.” 81<br />

Although the above hadīth has been discussed thoroughly<br />

earlier, let us bring perspective to it by looking at what Hazrat<br />

Mirzā Tāhir Ahmad rh , the 4 th successor of the Promised<br />

Messiah as , has said about it:<br />

Our opponents assert that there can be no more<br />

prophets. But, instead of relying on the Holy Qur’an<br />

to substantiate their claim, their assertion is based on<br />

interpretation of certain ahādīth by them and which<br />

according to them conclusively prove that there can<br />

be no prophet of any kind after the Holy Prophet sa .<br />

The door to prophethood is now closed in the ummah.<br />

Whosoever makes a claim of prophethood would be<br />

an imposter or a dajjāl.<br />

One such hadīth they put forth prominently and<br />

with their interpretation is as follows: “Thaubān ra<br />

reports that the Messenger of Allāh sa said: ‘Thirty<br />

people will make false claims to prophethood in my<br />

ummah even though I am Khātam-un-Nabiyyīn and<br />

81<br />

Abū Dā’ūd, Kitāb-ul-Fitn wal-Malāhim

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