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310 With Love to Muhammad sa the Khātam-un-Nabiyyīn<br />

mountains because he is the Khalīfa of Allāh, the<br />

Mahdī” 308<br />

We call upon all the Muslims of the world to accept this<br />

Messiah who has been sent by God and to embrace Ahmadiyya<br />

as the True Islām and become united as one under the banner of<br />

a single leader – a single Khalīfa. It is an Islām not based on<br />

sects, division, disunity, hatred, violence and disharmony, but<br />

an Islām based on Love for All, Hatred for None.<br />

But what about the return of ‘Īsā bin Mariam as ?<br />

For many Muslims, the main obstacle to the acceptance<br />

of Hazrat Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad as as the Promised Messiah is<br />

the belief and expectation that Hazrat ‘Īsā as shall bodily descend<br />

from heaven. We would like to humbly convey to them this<br />

message that Hazrat ‘Īsā as is dead according to several verses of<br />

the Holy Qur’ān, ahādīth, and historical proofs. We encourage<br />

them to research this issue and a great place to start is the book<br />

“Jesus in India” 309 written by Hazrat Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad as .<br />

How do I know if Hazrat Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad as is true?<br />

After learning that Hazrat ‘Īsā as is dead and cannot come<br />

back to this world, the most logical question that arises is<br />

regarding the truth of Hazrat Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad as . We<br />

encourage the reader to research this issue and we humbly<br />

suggest that he or she can begin by reading the book “Invitation<br />

308<br />

Ibn Mājah, The Book of Trials, Chapter: The coming of the Mahdī<br />

309<br />

This book is available at: http://www.alislam.org/library/books/jesus-inindia/index.html

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