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َ<br />

َ<br />

ُ<br />

Continuation of Prophethood according to Ahādīth 291<br />

ākhir in respect of status, not in respect of time or place. Farhan<br />

Khan’s objection to this understanding is, “...if ٓ خر meansا best, as<br />

the Ahmadī Muslims say, and the Prophet sa referred to his<br />

masjid as ٓ خرaااجد ‏,ا which would translate to mean best of the<br />

masjids, this would mean that prayer in the best of the masjids is<br />

rewarded less than prayer in Masjid al-Harām. This is a logical<br />

inconsistency.” 288<br />

This is just another lame attempt to hopelessly try to<br />

invalidate the Ahmadiyya Muslim understanding. Khan<br />

overlooks the fact that there is an exception here. Nevertheless,<br />

a general rule is a rule, regardless of the exceptions. We do not<br />

make up exceptions like Farhan Khan does, and in this case the<br />

Holy Prophet sa himself makes the exception in the following<br />

words, making the meaning clear:<br />

ْ جِ‏ د اa رَ‏ امَ‏ ‏ْحَ‏<br />

إلاaاْ َ<br />

…except the Masjid Al-Harām<br />

The only exception from the masājid is the Masjid Al-Harām! Just<br />

as the statement, “Prayer in the mosque of Allāh’s Messenger sa<br />

is more excellent than a thousand prayers in other mosques,” is<br />

not invalidated by the words, “except the Masjid Al-Harām,” in<br />

the same way the statement, “my mosque is the best of the<br />

mosques,” is not invalidated by the exception of Masjid Al-<br />

Harām. Consider the following similar hadīth:<br />

‏َاa<br />

‏َالا aحَ‏ د<br />

aأخ بَرَ‏ aِ‏َاعa‏َ‏ نْ‏ ْ<br />

َ<br />

َّ ث<br />

a<br />

aَّ<br />

َ<br />

‏ْنُ‏ aاْث ُ<br />

aب<br />

aحَ‏ ْ ر بً‏ aو دُ‏<br />

ُ بَ‎‏ْدِ‏ aااللهِ‏ a‏َالَ‏<br />

َّ حَ‏ ُ َ<br />

a<br />

a<br />

‏ْرُ‏ َ ُ<br />

‏ْنُ‏ aَِ‎ز َ ُ َ وaا ان َّ ْ َ a َ نْ‏<br />

َ َ ح َّ دث aب<br />

َ ‏َحْ‏ <br />

و<br />

aو<br />

288<br />

Khan, With Love, Page 24

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