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238 With Love to Muhammad sa the Khātam-un-Nabiyyīn<br />

have appointed a new qiblah, and that I claim to have<br />

abrogated the sharī‘ah of Islām, and that I do not<br />

follow and obey the Holy Prophet, may peace be on<br />

him, is entirely false. I consider a claim of such<br />

nubuwwat as amounting to be kufr and I have set<br />

forth throughout, in all my books, that I do not<br />

claim any such nubuwwat, and that it is a calumny<br />

to attribute such a claim to me. The basis on which I<br />

call myself a Nabī is that I am honoured with the<br />

converse of God Almighty, that He speaks to me<br />

frequently, and responds to me, and discloses many<br />

hidden things to me, and informs me about future<br />

events, in a manner that He adopts only towards one<br />

who enjoys special nearness to Him, and that on<br />

account of the multiplicity of these matters he has<br />

designated me a Nabī. 229<br />

As a result, it is now clear that wherever Hazrat Mirzā Ghulām<br />

Ahmad Qādiānī as said that there are no more prophets after the<br />

Holy Prophet sa , he was referring to law-bearing prophethood or<br />

independent prophethood. Wherever he accepted prophethood,<br />

it was subordinate, non-law-bearing prophethood, earned<br />

through the beneficence of and the Seal of authentication of the<br />

prophethood of the Holy Prophet sa . In fact, this same principle<br />

applies to the quotations of the mujaddidīn presented by Farhan<br />

Khan. Wherever they said that there are no more prophets after<br />

the Holy Prophet sa , they were not discussing the latter day<br />

Messiah and where they discussed the latter day Messiah, they<br />

called him a prophet and one of them went so far as to say that<br />

229<br />

Letter written by the Promised Messiah as published in Akhbār-e-‘Ām, May<br />

26, 1908

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