Newsletter 2 1978.pdf - The Grayson Family

Newsletter 2 1978.pdf - The Grayson Family

Newsletter 2 1978.pdf - The Grayson Family


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Page 23..<br />

1411 C8plowood<br />

Zuscnloosa, iilab~~a<br />

December 11, 1955<br />

c<br />

Yrs. E, 9. Dnvi6son<br />

297 Triadis on<br />

Twin Falls, Idaho<br />

Dear 1:~s.<br />

Davidson:<br />

Thank you so much for your intcrestinq letter. Unfortunately I can<br />

not f ir,d the answcrs to rnost of the questions which you raise. IIovever,<br />

let n!e tell you what I do know.<br />

In Thomas M. Owen, --- Historu - .;-I of !ilabonla . - - and Diction~.ry . --__--.- ..---- of _I -41~bma .--- -,<br />

Biograqh:~, ---.-A Vol. 111, pp. 3-6, there ere biographical sketches of v~~ious<br />

close rclotsves of mine (all nsrled ~bernothy) t.rhFch ner,tion that<br />

',!ILlionl Jmcs <strong>Grayson</strong> end Susan 1:Jillieni~ <strong>Grayson</strong> were the parents of I<br />

Yo~m, <strong>Grayson</strong> who married Enclinc I.:oorc capei Grq-son. Other f ami.ly data<br />

In these skzetches ha-ce been verified by me from vhrious sources ~tzrl:<br />

rihilc. not withoat error, they sre for the nost pzrt accurate. I hsve I<br />

nothing elsc om !.'illim;i Jmcs C-rzyson except fmily trzditlon rqhich sfiys<br />

thot he czxe Trom VlrglnFa, without; specif'yirl:; the ccunty. 3: 1:ase seen<br />

it stated that he C C J ~ from ~ Cul.pepper County but PJI unce~tain about this.<br />

Another line (:~ith tvo G P ~ on S IntermarrLa~es ), tnc Abernc.thy f mily ,<br />

I<br />

came from Zrunswi ck County, Vir~inia. . I have considurablc i~formetion on<br />

these Abcrnsth~ znces tors,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

J<br />

Ply statement that !.211im1 Jams Cir~yson was born in 177 172s<br />

conjcct~we, I - did m.k find 2 statoxent th~t he died 6 Janucrg 189,<br />

2lth~11::h I do not rerncx5er the sowcc. As to the child.rcn of Idilliam I<br />

Janes Grays ~n I have morn Inf orrlation (rcarrince bonds, di.lls, census, doccls ,<br />

etc. ). Tiis scri, Young Grqrnnn, ;,lar, born 4 Deceniber. 1803 in I.;ont~one~-~<br />

r'<br />

County, Tennessee. In iiizrengo Cou.nty, Alzl.b~,rrln, he narricd (3 July 1325) I<br />

&eline Cepcl (horn Xorthmpton County, lrorth Carclina, the widow of<br />

1Coore ). i presuiie that the 'd. in Youns <strong>Grayson</strong>'s nzme is for<br />

I;f-Z1IiEim*<br />

Cl.iver Green Sr~:son Was born in 1615 In Tennessee ar,d rlovzc! to<br />

-.<br />

Alakraa ccd r.:ns lis Led as Tax P,fisessor of ,.zrcngo County in ';he II~rcn-o<br />

-<br />

---A-<br />

Count-T i.:lrectnr7 for l.sF. Be xarried Frances Loverp ~rhc was be-r, in<br />

.A__<br />

!~~ntuckqn 1322. I oresine - that he was a brother of Your:: 8. C~zyson.<br />

[Inc!.dent~llp, :-.is son vas tax asseesor of 1,:arenr;o Count:: for me": yenrs<br />

m<br />

R C ~ arter hlrr, x;: cariZTat:he-r, monlas I.:illlarcl Sr~yson t:.as tax assessor of<br />

the scr;.ie countp for sono 25 yrars, until he rctired becat:se of' old &,re.<br />

1: rcnenbor my g~~anclfather i~ell as I had finished college 'cef ore he died. 1<br />

P!:llim Ja:lies 3-2;-son w~.s born in 1818 in Alabama a.nd was, 1 prcsumc,<br />

e. brother of Oliver Grcen Grcgsor, and Yom.3 W, Greyson. Thse birth dctes<br />

aye f ror;i t;hc mc.nus cript Ccnsus ~cturns . !.ividontly tlicy mcar, that; rny<br />

Grn.:\rsons rzoved from 22r,~ozsec to !-%at\ano 'uattlroen the :rccrz 1315 m d 1.318.<br />

J.lhb;ma becme 2 st;lJ~e in 1919 lrhj2.c Jamen i.:onroo was pz-csident. I<br />

SU:JCSC thr t :;he:: >JOI*O C~LIS jr~s of !.;oi~~'oe 'DCCZUDQ of interz:a.rrin~c Setvrarn<br />

the tirayson an. i.:on~oo f c,dl lca. Abernetky f~!Ply and otilcr sottlc-s<br />

alzcl.: Eelt cmc into 1l1abar-i~ from<br />

in i.:cren;;ilFc::<br />

rnovl!~;; Lnto tiis T,ovlcr So1tt;fl ~ri~cn thc cott~n kincdom tins opening up Ln tilt<br />

carly dccadas of tho cinetconth contwy.<br />

--<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />


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