Technical Report - International Military Testing Association

Technical Report - International Military Testing Association

Technical Report - International Military Testing Association


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The octond 6reA of opercatfon’ for performance tetrtero le the conetruction<br />

of the experimental instrument. Au we @tart the proceoo of<br />

&electing rateble points bared upon our AcYI~sIE, there cara et leeet<br />

three criterle which should guide our selecticn. The firot criterion is<br />

reprerantativenecr--the activitice, being measured are rcalietic (joblike),<br />

typicA of the taakr and okillr performed by A quAlifi.ad apectatiat<br />

on the actuA1 job. Performance tenters Are frequently tempted to aubatitute<br />

unraaliattc talka, for a variety of reasona, and often cacrifire<br />

all cr almat all of the criterion, repreaentativenasa. (3318 10 not A<br />

fccetioua refarence to honeat recognition teats or aimlated conditions<br />

tcrte.) Our second criterion le reliability--conaiotent rerulte yielded<br />

for a rerpecteble range of acoree --enough so that a standard can be<br />

developed for world-vide wage. Third, va tast conatructorr muut be<br />

mindful of the criterion, prcctlcality-- feaoible to u&e in tome of the<br />

time, equipment, parosnnel. und ex?enrc to adminirter and to @core.<br />

Raving relected the “itaml” for our eicperimentel instrument in<br />

accordance with the three criteria ve muet next develop the rating<br />

scale needed to evaluate the tasks to be maarurcd. Banically, tie hsve<br />

two typeo of acelee frcxs which to chooat+: the forced cholco;go/no go,<br />

did/did not or the degrees of skill, vhich can take any of oaveral forma,<br />

Auch � 0, numerical (1, 2, 3, 4, 5): deccrlpttvo word scale--for exempia,<br />

poor, good, &VOrAg%, etc. A poerible third acelo, phyrlcml characterirtics<br />

o f the final prodr.:t, ie aomkthea uoAd. Remaber, i t ir eaey<br />

to go overboard with numericel ocal~)s, AI K. L. Ecan (1953) pointe out.<br />

Only thooe rater8 vho are exceptfonally well qualified ohould attempt<br />

uoing A rcale of more than five pointr. The nature of the items of our<br />

inotrment will largely dictate which ocale ir more appropriate. A<br />

word of caution at thfr point Fe in ordar. We tmut ba careful to piAn<br />

porrfble weighting procedurer vlth an eye to chcckfng them egninrt our<br />

crltarle. Ao A rule of thumb, complicated, involved weighting rhould<br />

be avoided. Hany promising teats have been invalidated by cumberroma<br />

weighting.<br />

Our next mc\Jor area of activity f0 the preporstion of inrtructionA<br />

for the axamlnerr And the examtneer. Basic contsnte of the exaninee<br />

fnrtructionr should inc?.ude A deocriptlan of the tank to be done, A lirt<br />

of the pointe of the tetik that will be scored, all the tool8 and/or<br />

equipment to be used, � ���� lkaft (ff applicable) and any other necclaoary<br />

lnatructionr.<br />

Huch more detailed inmtruc:ionr are necessary for our examinerr.<br />

Not only murt we cover the darcription of the taako, ths materiel list<br />

And time limlta bur alro tip8 regarding careful obaervatfon of tha<br />

examfnea’r ptrfomnce--eopeciAlly prwetior?t for 8 btep vhich fr, or<br />

could be difficult to obeerve. Further, theae inotructionr must be<br />

explicit regarding the recording of reruLts with the rating scale. we<br />

P<br />

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