Technical Report - International Military Testing Association

Technical Report - International Military Testing Association

Technical Report - International Military Testing Association


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Parronality Tooting md Job Proficiency<br />

.?OHH D. RJtAFT<br />

US Amy Enlirted Bvaluatim Center \,<br />

Chairman Bridgeo, yellow’-‘Confetee.8,<br />

It ir a privilege to lead thir dirwrrion on perrmality teeting<br />

and Job perfomanca,<br />

A8 a point of departure in exploring waya of iacruring the prediction<br />

of roldiere’ performance, I vi11 give a goneral di8cuorion of<br />

the rarurch vhich Rayumd B. Cattell and hi8 u8ociatr8 at the Univorrlty<br />

of Illiaoir have conducted for mumming motlvetional rtrangth. Aleo, I<br />

will dircu88 8-e of the u8ea which wo might put Cattell’a re8march. and<br />

relrtod motivatimal ramarch, to in evaluating tho total percent of<br />

variance in the Job perbormanc~ of the individual rerviceman.<br />

Currently, the Army u8es A fob “aa8tary” teat to measure what the<br />

� oldler “can do.” It *JUU a rating rcrle to measure vhrt the roldier<br />

“vi11 do.” Unfortunately, even though years of hard lrr&or have barn<br />

attended by indurtriel prychologirtr in crying to refir.,+ the rating recli<br />

and to minimire it8 error8. it rtill ir a veak evalu8tfng iustrumnt.<br />

Individual8 differ in their ability to accur8tely parcaiw the cheractsrirticr<br />

of otherr. Sane of the factor8 relevant to thla differential<br />

perception are in the age, 8az, end prrronality of the parcaiver, la<br />

there charreteri8tic8 of the percoivad, and in the content erer8 in which<br />

the prrdic t ion8 are madu.<br />

Thr rating 8~~10’8 %ill do” � reee � re csotivetionol in content. They<br />

rhw the “drive” or “atntiment” f8ctorr o f t h e roldler’r performance. Hr,<br />

Shirkey, who rpoke before you A fw chute8 ago, recently did A factor<br />

analyrir 03 the Army’8 new CER (rating rcale). He found five factor@<br />

which can tentatively be celled: Militery Bearing I and II, Xilitaxy<br />

Laaderrhip Potential, Initiative, end T88k Uotivation. Hr. Shirkey wa8<br />

8urprired to find that the rupervirory portion of the trot correleted<br />

rather poorly vith the Leaderrhip Potential Pector of the CER. Although<br />

it io porrible that there rcrultr ‘Are partielly A condition of the prrtitular<br />

HOS analytad, it la evident th8t the CER la mesrurlng the mot;-vational<br />

arue concerned with vhat the coldior “will do.”<br />

Since mo8t ratiaga are rpurlour and do vary with thr rater, conrider<br />

how much better it would br if predictive mea8ure8 of tha motivational<br />

rtrength in there ereee could be nwde in order to give more<br />

objectivity and exactnerr. An cz8mple of the porrrble work that can<br />

be done along there line8 18 th8t of the rsrs8rch currently being<br />

conducted by the US Army Perronnel Rersarch Office on thr valtler a$aoelated<br />

with military cereer motiv8tion. Tlw rarearcher there heve<br />

73<br />

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: ..o

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