Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization

Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization

Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization


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Manual 5:PESTICIDES AND HEALTH,SAFETY & THE ENVIRONMENTGlyphosate (continued) The commonly-used chemical component of glyphosate products, POEA, is two to three timesmore toxic than glyphosate. POEA <strong>and</strong> glyphosate appear to have synergistic effects, with thetoxicity of the product much greater than that of each ingredient Effects of exposure to glyphosate formulations include skin <strong>and</strong> eye irritation, respiratoryproblems, effects on the heart, altered blood pressure, <strong>and</strong> gastro-intestinal problems Toxicity studies of glyphosate have shown the following effects: diarrhoea, increasedblood glucose, red nasal discharge, pancreatic lesions, salivary gl<strong>and</strong> lesions, growthretardation, <strong>and</strong> changes in the relative weights of organs Eye <strong>and</strong> skin irritation, cardiac depression, gastro-intestinal pain vomiting <strong>and</strong> accumulationof excess fluid in the lungs are symptoms of glyphosate poisoning. Glyphosate <strong>and</strong> formulatedproducts can be slightly to severely irritating to eyes <strong>and</strong> skinChronic toxicity Lifetime studies on animals have shown excess growth <strong>and</strong> death of liver cells, cataracts<strong>and</strong> eye lens degeneration. Studies have shown various reproductive effects in males: lowered libido, ejaculatevolume <strong>and</strong> sperm count, with an increase in abnormal or dead sperm. Other studies have shown effects on mother <strong>and</strong> offspring: lengthened reproductivecycle, decrease in number of viable foetuses, reduced birth weight, increased number ofmiscarriages; <strong>and</strong> reduced ossification of the breast bone.There is still considerable controversy over the cancer-causing (carcinogenic) potential ofglyphosate. The conclusion generally reached by regulators is that glyphosate, <strong>and</strong>glyphosate-containing products, are not carcinogenic to humans. However, a Swedish studypublished in 1999 maintains that exposure to glyphosate can increase the risk ofcontracting non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a form of cancer.228 <strong>Health</strong>, <strong>Safety</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Environment</strong>A Series of Trade Union EducationManuals for Agricultural Workers

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