Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization

Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization

Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization


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Manual 2:HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTFOR “GRASSROOTS” MEMBERSTrade unionrepresentationBuildinga strongmembershipThe job of aworker HS&ErepresentativeStrong trade union organisation is essential to ensure that employersprevent injuries, ill health, <strong>and</strong> death of working people <strong>and</strong> others in thewider community. Workers <strong>and</strong> unions have a direct interest. It is our lives,limbs <strong>and</strong> health that are at stake, as well as those of our families <strong>and</strong>friends.One of the main jobs of trade unions <strong>and</strong> their members at a local level is tomake sure that the employer keeps to her/his responsibilities. Some of theways to achieve this include building a strong membership, electing workerHS&E representatives <strong>and</strong> organising for health, safety <strong>and</strong> theenvironment.Organising around health, safety <strong>and</strong> the environment can help to build astrong union. Members have a deep concern about the health ofthemselves, their fellow workers <strong>and</strong> people in the wider community. Butoften health, safety <strong>and</strong> environmental hazards may not have been apriority for action. Workers may have other major concerns, such as a livingwage <strong>and</strong> having enough food to eat.The term ‘worker HS&E representative’ covers a number of differentcategories of representative (see the description of these categories in theIntroduction to these Manuals on page 5). The IUF believes that any workerHS&E representative should be a trade union representative selected orelected by fellow union members in their workplace.We have seen in Article 8.1 (b) of ILO Convention No. 184 that workershave a right to select safety <strong>and</strong> health representatives. Some of the mainjobs that a worker HS&E representative can do include: talking to members, <strong>and</strong> taking up their complaints with management involving, informing, <strong>and</strong> consulting members collecting <strong>and</strong> distributing HS&E information carrying out HS&E checks of the workplace on a regular basis identifying hazards, investigating <strong>and</strong> tackling the risks investigating accidents, ill health <strong>and</strong> near misseschecking that the employer is complying with health <strong>and</strong> safetyrequirementsconsulting <strong>and</strong> negotiating with managementsitting on safety <strong>and</strong> health committeesfollowing up problems <strong>and</strong> making sure that something gets done aboutthemtalking to Government health <strong>and</strong> safety inspectors50 <strong>Health</strong>, <strong>Safety</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Environment</strong>A Series of Trade Union EducationManuals for Agricultural Workers

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