Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization

Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization

Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization


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Manual 6:HOW TO RATIFY & USE ILO CONVENTION NO. 184ON SAFETY & HEALTH IN AGRICULTURE How to use this ManualYou can use this section alone, but it is best used:as a tool on courses for active union members in workshops for Executive Committee members of the union, to drawup plans for ratification by worker HS&E representatives including meetings of jointworker-management workplace health <strong>and</strong> safety committees at education events, either regular courses or as part of the IUFHSE/Global Pesticides Project as a basis for tripartite meetings on ratification with governments <strong>and</strong>agricultural employers’ associationsYou do not need to read through the guide from start to finish. You onlyneed to refer to those sections which apply to your situation at the time. Choosing the right sectionIf you do not know much about the ILO,or ILO ConventionsIf you need a very brief idea ofwhy the Convention is so important<strong>and</strong> what is in it Look at the section‘Background on the ILO?’ <strong>and</strong> the Section‘What are <strong>International</strong> <strong>Labour</strong> St<strong>and</strong>ards?’Read the section ‘What is so importantabout Convention 184?’If your governmenthas not ratifiedthe Convention yet Look at the section‘Ratification – the process <strong>and</strong> timetable’If the Convention has been ratified,or you would like to work out the effectit would have on your national law Use the section‘After ratification – implementation’If you want toknow how to complainto the ILO See section‘Reporting <strong>and</strong> complaining to the ILO’If you want to persuadethe ILO to hold a meetingon the Convention If you want to plan an ILO project onhealth <strong>and</strong> safety in agriculture(in co-operation with your government)If you want to know what the Conventionsays in detail – Article by Article – includingcomments by the IUF where appropriate Read through section‘Tripartite Meeting on C 184’Read section ‘Technical co-operation:could it help with compliance?’Look at the section on‘Comparing the Convention <strong>and</strong> the Law’273 <strong>Health</strong>, <strong>Safety</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Environment</strong>A Series of Trade Union EducationManuals for Agricultural Workers

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