Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization

Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization

Health, Safety and Environment - International Labour Organization


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Manual 6:HOW TO RATIFY & USE ILO CONVENTION NO. 184ON SAFETY & HEALTH IN AGRICULTUREWHAT THE CONVENTIONSAYS(b) specify therights <strong>and</strong> duties ofemployers <strong>and</strong> workerswith respect tooccupational safety<strong>and</strong> health inagriculture; <strong>and</strong>WHAT YOUR LAWSSAYAMENDMENTS NEEDEDTO YOUR NATIONAL LAW(c) establishmechanisms ofinter-sectoralcoordination amongrelevant authorities<strong>and</strong> bodies for theagricultural sector <strong>and</strong>define their functions<strong>and</strong> responsibilities,taking into accounttheir complementarity<strong>and</strong> nationalconditions <strong>and</strong>practices.3. The designatedcompetent authority shallprovide for correctivemeasures <strong>and</strong> appropriatepenalties in accordancewith national laws <strong>and</strong>regulations, including,where appropriate, thesuspension or restriction ofthose agricultural activitieswhich pose an imminentrisk to the safety <strong>and</strong> healthof workers, until theconditions giving rise to thesuspension or restrictionhave been corrected.288 <strong>Health</strong>, <strong>Safety</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Environment</strong>A Series of Trade Union EducationManuals for Agricultural Workers

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